Scratching my head on this one

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Cleopatra, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Official: Immigration program puts children at risk

    According to this article, it wasn't the "Immigration program" that put the children at risk, it was the unidentified man that the illegal left her children with, when she was pulled over and arrested - and that man then took off and left the kids at the side of the road by themselves as soon as the police left. The kids were left alone in a car for 8 hours, and no passersby saw this? So, the 287-G program is now coming under scrutiny because of "fears" and "worries". WTH? How about you arrest that man and charge him with child endangerment/abandonment/neglect and go full steam ahead with the program? I have more "fears" and "worries" about the other human beings I share oxygen with, who would just drive by and ignore a car full of children left alone than I do about arresting illegals. This is a bizarre situation, and certainly not the norm. The man was clearly to blame, not the officers or the program.

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