See?? You weren't being paranoid!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kdc1970, May 5, 2008.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    From (formerly 1270wmpm)

    Traveling Salesman Arrested
    Selma Police have arrested two traveling salesman working for a cleaning solutions company. Officers said the suspects had forged checks that had recently been stolen from a Selma woman, then tried to present the checks, in the amount of $255 each, to their supervisor for alleged sales. Reginald Jenkins, 36, of Atlanta, Georgia and Chad Wilson, 24, of New Iberia, LA were charged with felonious forgery. After a search of Wilson’s room, police said they found a small amount of marijuana, resulting in an additional charge. The workers were employed by Magnificent Cleaning Solutions, according to police reports.
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Well, I glad they caught them!!! So often they don't. :?

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