Since I use my own cell phone to make and receive calls. We do not have a phone line in our home, but now we do need it for my husband's business. What I'm looking for is a monthly rate of $20 or less, just local calls only. We averaged about 3 phone calls per month plus fax several times. Do you know any phone companies that offer any low rate?
If you have high speed internet you may consider some of the VOIP companies. Most have a plan under $20 a month and you get a ton of services (call forward, do not disturb, caller ID, voicemail, etc...). Many 4042ers suggest Vontage. We have recently switched to at&t CallVantage. (Stay away from Teleblend and recent start ups)
nope.. I can tell you that by the time you pay taxes and fees any phone line will cost you around $25-$30. We have Embarq (short for Sprint...ackk) and for a no frills basic phone line which is all of $16/mo they tack on another $13 in useless fees and taxes making my phone bill $30/mo.
I don't know if you'll be able to get it that low...............I have Embarq at the house for the one land line, Time Warner Cable has my husband's business line. The Embarq is about $35/month, just for local service. If I make any long distance (which I don't, I use the cell) it's another $5.00, and that includes so many minutes.....but I don't get charged if I don't use it. I think the cable line, which also includes separate internet service is about $39.99/mo. I'd like to drop the land line altogether, but I just can't quite do it, because if the cable is out, I'd have no phone at all. And we all know how difficult cell service can be if there is an emergency. :neutral: