Senator Fred Smith

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by nycool, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. nycool

    nycool Active Member

    Senator Fred Smith will be at Cleveland Middle School October 3rd from 6:30 – 8:30 pm.
    This is part of his Re-Elect Fred Smith campaign. If you can come, please do. There is no mention of illegal immigration in his handout brochure. He has an old & standard statement on his website. Basically blaming everybody else for the massive invasion we have today. By trade the Senator is in construction, this may be the cause for his weak stance on illegal aliens. Construction has benefited greatly from the cheap labor.
  2. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky Well-Known Member

    So, I'm confused, are you going to vote for him? :lol:
  3. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    What's the scoop on him?

    I knew he was/is a builder developer but what has he done for the JoCo voters?
  4. nycool

    nycool Active Member

    I'll let you know after Oct 3rd.
  5. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Overall I like Senator Fred Smith. I do agree that it appears that he isn't taking a very strong stand on immigration. It looks like he has more to say about same sex marriage than he does about illegal immigrants. I hope he will take a stronger stand on illegal immigration in the future. I tried to take a look at his website - but I never made it there. I don't know if there is a problem with his site - or if my internet connection is running too slow. The letter he sent does make a mention of "upholding the rule of law and protecting our borders" so hopefully Mr. Smith is willing to take a strong stand against Illegal Immigration - despite the fact that he works in an industry that is known for employing illegals. Senator Fred Smith seems like a good man who is concerned about the teachers, schools & folks of Johnston County. I think he will probably get my vote.

    What I do like about Senation is that he seems very active in the school system & Arts programs for our kids:
    The Artists-in-the-Schools program is a partnership between the Fred Smith Company, Johnston County Arts Council, and Johnston County Schools.

    I also like his idea of cutting home prices in order to attempt to attract good teachers to Johnston County:
    “Fred Smith, a home builder and state senator from Johnston County, knocks 5 percent off the price for teachers when they buy one of his houses.”

    The N&0 guide didn't really say much

    I received a flyer in the mail that said the following:

    "The principles that have guided Fred Smith are grounded in the strong influence of his parents, and his childhood experienced.
    growing up at the Methodist Orphanage in Raleigh, NC. At the orphanage, his father was a teacher and a coach, while his mother served as a cottage housemother. As a child, Fred played football and baseball, delivered a morning paper route and was active in church work and the Boy Scouts. After graduating from Raleigh's Broughton High School, Fred won a football csholarship to attend Wake Forest University. Subsequently, he worked his way through Wake Forest Law School, graduating with honors in 1966.

    Senator Smith served his country as a Captain in the United State Army JAG Corps for four years. Afterwards, Fred Smith became a successful attorney, entrepreneur, farmer/cattleman and homebuilder. Today, Senator Smith's businesses provide over 600 jobs in Wake and Johnston Counties!

    Fred Smith Introduced an Amendment to the North Carolina Constitution Defending Marriage. He also Introduced the Taxpayer Protection Act to Set Spending Priorities. In the letter he sent with the brochure he says "I am running for re-election to the State Senate to help improve the quality of people's lives. to do this, we must implement a positive agenda of creating an environment for jobs, improving education, providing affordable healthcare, protecting private property rights, taking Medicaid off the backs of our counties, upholding the rule of law and protecting our borders, and standing for traditional North Carolina family values.
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Just for information -- his opponent is Sherry Altman, a small business owner from Clayton. She has a daughter in the local school system, and Sherry is very interested in and supportive of education. Here's her web site:
  7. rockyv

    rockyv Guest

    well KDsGrandma thats good enough for me. I have kind of followed Fred's career since I moved out here in 2000. and all I have seen him do is make decisions that will help developers. Well progress happens. But unchecked or unregulated progress means more problems for us poor tax payers while people like Fred Smith gets richer. Not that I am acussing him of taking money under the table, but where there is smoke there is either a cigarette or a fire :) But i have seen some strange re zonings in the past 6 years, that if this was anywhere else there would be alot of questions asked. I have never trusted him and ever voted for him and never will.

    When i was a teenager in jr and sr high school i remember seeing bumper stickers saying "QUESTION AUTHORITY" and as a teen I though 'why?' Goverment wouldn't lie. I have been legal to vote for 30 years now and I question every goverment official now.

  8. Larry

    Larry Well-Known Member

    I went to the Sherry Altman site and it sounds like she is a very nice lady with good intentions but she's standing on the wrong side of the aisle.

    Fred Smith has quickly made himself one of the stronger members of the N.C. legislature on the Republican side. There is talk of him running for governor of N.C. in 2008. But the strongest reason to vote for Fred Smith is that the Democrats have ruled N.C. for 100+ years and have really managed to screw it up in the last 30 years. Remember the budget crisis when Easley took office? The pork programs of Black and Basnight? The use of the DOT as a place to appoint/hire political supporters? The backdoor manuever to get the lottery passed? The tax increases that have been imposed on us every year on just about every item that you can imagine...from cigarettes and liquor to candy in the movie theater, from gasoline to internet purchases. It goes on and on. And what are you seeing for it? The roads are terrible, government is bigger and bigger, the welfare programs are swelling with societies panhandlers and illegal aliens, and our kids are still not getting proper educations even though the number of childcare programs, nusery programs, kindergarten programs, teachers, adminstrators, and assistants have dramatically increased.

    Sorry, Sherry. It's time to get the Democrats out of office in N.C. and at least give the Repubs a chance to put us on the right track to fiscal and personal responsibility.
  9. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Like they have done in D.C.? :?
  10. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I was able to get on Senator Fred Smith Website this morning. It does seem strange that Mr. Smith would overlook putting such a huge issue in the flyer he is distributing. He mentions lots of other issues - but his flyer never mentions anything about illegal immigration at all. However, his website does mention that he signed onto a bill that establishes the North Carolina Security and Immigration Compliance Act to provide for the comprehensive regulation of persons in this state who are not lawfully present in the United States. He also signed onto a bill that would require that voters present a photo identification document before voting; and to restrict voter registration forms to the English language except as required by federal law.
    H. 2809 (Reps. Clary, McComas, Moore, Holloway) - The North Carolina Security and Immigration Compliance Act - Would require public employers (state and local government agencies) and any contractors or subcontractors accepting contracts from public employers to verify the legal status of all employees. The bill contains provisions directing various state agencies to work with the federal government to step up enforcement of federal immigration laws, requires all entities providing immigration assistance services to register with the state, prohibits illegal immigrants from receiving most forms of public assistance, and prohibits illegal aliens from claiming deductions on any tax returns. (Almost identical to Georgia and South Carolina Security and Immigration Compliance Acts)
  11. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    If you ever want to break the cycle of our politicians catering to special can start by firing those who are both our politicians and their own special interests.

    Fred Smith's pro-developer policies are in place for one reason, he is a huge developer. I am not telling you all anything you didn't know already, but he has got to go.

    I could care less about his moral values, because they do not mean squat if he doesn't do his job and make our corner of the world better.

    For example: His Lion's Gate subdivision just outside of Clayton is real pretty, but he managed to have an entire Hwy 70 connector (not the bypass) delayed and eventually re-routed for it and will also not do anything to improve some of the most dangerous roads in the area. Roads that will now see a huge escalation in traffic. How do you think he got all of this approved?

    By looking out for him and not us, that's how. If he does this kind of thing, how can we be certain that he does anything with his citizens (not just his donating constituency) in mind?
  12. saltman

    saltman Guest

    Fred Smith

    Larry, I read your comment on Sherry being on the wrong side of the aisle. Well hello, this is Sherry! Is it not time for everyone, around the world, to extend a hand to someone else no matter what religion, race, gender or party they belong to?

    I don't want anyone telling me what they think my VALUES should be. If you look at advertisements for my opponent this is exactly what is being said. At a recent meeting my opponent stated that schools are 100% local issues and then in the next sentence smiled and said that he just helped pass a bill where developers can build schools and lease them to the school boards for 40 years. Well, if schools are 100% local issues then why did he help to pass a bill for developers regarding schools? Why doesn't he tell President Bush that the No Child Left Behind Act cannot be dictated to states and local areas because "schools are 100% local issues".

    People don't vote anymore because they don't think their voice matters. Well, it does, more now than ever before. What we do today will go down in history and I for one am ashamed of what is going on worldwide, nationwide and locally. We have to change things. It is not SHOULD, it is HAVE to or things will never get better, just worse.

    Here are the real issues: If anyone uses common sense in government and is honest I believe we can get alot done. Healthcare should be available to all, a moratorium on housing developments should be implemented immediately until we can work out infrastructure issues such as schools, roads, water, traffic lights, etc., we need to stop developers from cutting down all trees and natural growth before building anything, we need to clean up the Neuse River, we have the smartest people right here in our own district who can develop alternatives to our fuel crisis, we need to take care of our veterans and for goodness sakes we need to be united on each and every issue. We CAN find a middle ground.

    I urge each and everyone to look at people trying to make a difference and say to I want someone dictating what my values should be or do I want someone who actually wants to fix things in office.

    This is not a Conservative, Liberal, Republican or Democratic race; this is a race to help the hardworking people who have been forgotten. Our unemployment rate rises in our district while billboards and TV ads are being paid for. We have families filing for bankruptcy due to medical bills while our politicians are playing golf.

    Look for the person who shops where you shop, eats where you eat and actually looks you in the eye and says hello. Look for the person who does not sit with their back to people in a restaurant, but who asks you to join them at their table if you are waiting. Look for the person who WILL take questions from the audience and not point his/her finger at someone and say I will not take a question from you. This is not a dictatorship, this is still a democracy and I am proud to be a part of it.

    My daughter and I spend our weekends going door-to-door and actually meeting the citizens of this great district and it is wonderful! People stop me while shopping and eating and say "Thank you". My response is always, "No, thank you!” We have no hired staff, everyone is a volunteer and I admire each and every one of them. Yesterday, while in Raleigh, I was stopped several times during shopping. People saw my tee shirt..One Person Can Make A Difference..YOU!! Vote! with the issues on the back. Each person talked about the issues, even though they don't live in our district, and it was wonderful. Some know people in our district who they are going to call and ask to vote for us.

    I would love to debate my opponent and accept questions from the audience. Instead of saying that you will not vote for someone on the other side of the aisle ask your elected official to help put together a debate with me and take questions from voters!!!

    Thank you,
    Sherry Altman
    Candidate for NC Senate District 12
  13. saltman

    saltman Guest

    Fred Smith II

    I forgot to state earlier that I am a Democrat and I am real proud that I am. I wasn't born a Democrat, I made that decision on my own and I have been proud of that all of my life.

    When a Democrat sees someone waiting to eat in a restaurant and he or she has room for that person at the table we always ask them to join us. Now, in saying this I am not trying to divide again. I want to unite. I make the statement about the restaurant to remind people that we don't ask someone waiting for food what political party they are before we invite them to our table, we just know they need a seat and some food.

    I hope this gives everyone "food for thought".

    Thank you,
    Sherry Altman
    Candidate for NC Senate District 12
  14. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Re: Fred Smith

    Sherry, you do seem like a great person whose heart is in the right place. How do you stand on illegal immigration?
  15. saltman

    saltman Guest

    Illegal Immigration

    Here is where I stand on Illegal Immigration:

    Employers hiring illegal immigrants should be fined for the first offense and put in prison for the second offense. Alll illegals already in the U.S. should be considered on an individual basis. No general amnesty, but on an individual basis.

    Anyone coming into the U.S. should have a work Visa, just as we need them to go to other countries.

    I marched with Caezar Chavez for the United Farm Workers, when he was alive and he was a great man and that is a great organization.

    Now, in making those statements above, let me tell everyone that elected officials should vote and write legislation that is what the majority of the voters want, not what the elected official believes in all the time. An elected official works for the voters and if he or she can convince the voters that the legislation is the best way to go that is the way to vote.

    Elected officials are here to serve the people not the other way around!

    Sherry Altman
  16. JC-native

    JC-native Well-Known Member

    Then you need to move to a deserted island where you'll have no interaction with other people. Making laws and governing a society is all about common VALUES. Try stumping in tight leather pants and low-cut blouses and see how many votes you get. :lol:

    Do you support MADD and their agenda for more police checkpoints? Do you support the recent legislation that requires a permit to purchase a keg of beer? I'm a Republican (who leans Libertarian), and if your answer is HECK NO, then you can count on my vote.
  17. lindenul

    lindenul Well-Known Member

    Re: Fred Smith

    Because if a development is big enough, then it has a large impact on the local area (people moving in and whatnot) and if it is big enough (like the Earp Farm is) then requiring devlopers to either donate enough land for a new school is what is needed and 100% local. People in Harnett Co. wont give a rats hiney if a new school is being built with JC tax money or developer money. Therefore, its local.

    Developers dont build the school themselves. That is not the business they are in. Fred Smith didnt build Riverwood Elem and Middle himself. I dont know of a single developer in Johnston County that has physically built a school. They have donated the land or set that land aside as part of their development, but they dont build them.
  18. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Senator Smith and Ms. Altman responses requested.

    Dear Senator Smith and Ms. Altman,

    I commend you for stepping forward to campaign and to serve.

    I do have some questions and concerns that I am unable to find answered on either candidate's web site, and therefore must ask you in this public forum.

    In my mind, education, taxes, healthcare, and immigration are key issues.

    A. What is your plan to fund education? How do we fund the investment in our children? As a parent with a child in public school here, I am most interested in your proposed solution for funding at the state level. I’ve never met a teacher who chose to teach because of the luxurious lifestyle that it afforded. How do we attract and retain the best teachers?

    B. Healthcare will always be a concern. How do you propose to make a positive change?

    C. I pay my taxes. I am for paying my fair share. How do you propose to change the tax structure? Is there an alternateive to income tax? How do you feel about the "Fair Tax" ideas.

    D. Immigration is, first and foremost, a federal responsibility. If federal officials can't or won't fix the problems, it appears that there is little that the state can do. NC can pass all the laws it wants. Why not just enforce the laws we have? How do you propose to solve this issue?

    I resent Senator Smith’s implication that a significant proportion of crime in Johnston County can be attributed to illegal immigrants. I grant that the mere presence of any person here illegally is a crime, however, Senator Smith seems to suggest that most of the crime is their fault. I would submit that the level of crime has many more factors, and that his implication uses illegal immigrants as a scapegoat.

    I am equally disturbed, Ms. Altman, by your stance. I ask you to support your position to examine ILLEGAL immigrants, on a case-by-case basis. I was taught that if one breaks the law, one had best be prepared to pay the price. I wonder if you ever heard the old saying, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!"

    As an aside, Ms. Altman, I would urge you to reword your website where you speak of knowing military issues “firsthand”. Unless you have served, you cannot have first hand experience. I honor your father’s service as a brother in arms, as I do Senator Smith’s.

    That said, Senator Smith, we line animals have difficulty seeing you as a combatant. Your service apparently was as a lawyer in the Judge Advocates General corps. In all my years of service, I can’t recall ever having seen a JAG officer in a firefight. Let’s credit your service for what it was. If you did go to war (not the same as serving in wartime) please correct me.

    I urge you to provide concrete ideas, not obfuscatory, illusory responses. I believe that many voters have questions such as these, and more. I am tired of rhetoric and demagoguery.
  19. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I've been doing a little research & asking a few questions about Senator Fred Smith over the last few days. The more I hear - the better I like him. From what I understand, when Fred Smith was developing the area around Riverwood he donated the land for the schools. He has don lots to support the Riverwood schools since they were built. I was told that just recently he gave many thousands of dollars to Riverwood Middle School to purchase new computers. As I mentioned before, he donates a huge amount of money & time to the arts programs in all of the Johnston county Schools. The Riverwood Athletic Club is used for practice by many of the high school athletes. I believe that is where the Riverwood High School swim team’s meets & practices are held also. As a developer it sounds like Fred Smith is doing his share. I wish other developers would follow in his foot steps. Tomorrow night Senator Fred Smith will be holding a Free BBBQ & Fried Chicken dinner at Cleveland Middle School (I think from 6:30 - 8pm?) I plan to attend. Unfortunately I overlooked the fact that yesterday was October 1st so I didn't make it to the dedication of Westview Elementary school to hear the speeches made by Senator Fred Smith & the other officials who came out to support the school.

    As I mentioned before, Sherry Altman seems like a nice person whose heart is in the right place. Unfortunately, showing up for rallies, volunteering at Habitat for Humanities and running a local dry cleaning business (I could be wrong - but I think that's what I understood she currently did) will prepare or give her the understanding she needs to be able to understand all the various issues facing this area or to come up this workable solutions. Unfortunately experience often determines success or failure. Because of the almost unbelievable growth rate, this area needs strong leadership now. On the job training is currently not an option. Sherry's website mentions that she has never run for any type of public office before. Being a great volunteer doesn't mean that someone would make a great leader. There are tons of wonderful professional athletes - who would make awful coaches. Hopefully Mrs. Altman will set her sites on a smaller role in local government and build her way up. She does sound like a good candidate with some promise in the future. Although Mrs. Altman sounds like a wonderful individual I don't know that I think she is ready yet for such a large leadership role.
  20. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Re: Senator Smith and Ms. Altman responses requested.

    I may have misunderstood, but at the recent town meeting held at West I thought Sheriff Steve Bizzel also mentioned that illegal immigrants were responsible for a large portion of the crimes in the area - especially in reference to drug & gang activities.

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