if it was me i would't be discussing it on a message board, i would be standing on the steps of the school when the doors opened in the morning.
My daughter had something like this happen to her when she was in 6th grade. She did not say anything to school authorities but was visibly upset when she came home from school. I immediately called the school and reported it to the principal. It turned out he had done the same thing to 3 other girls. If I were you, I would either call or be in the school office first thing tomorrow.
Oh the things that I have to look forward to...very scary. Anyways....I would be at school first thing in the morning.
Go to the school, report it and TAPE RECORD the report. I have heard of these getting swept under the rug so to speak so have the tape recorder. Let them know you are tape recording it. It's not against the law as long as you tell them. We have personally tape recorded several of our IEP meetings. I know it's a different situation but still the same premise. I had major issues at the middle school w/ the bullying done to my son. Too many against one. NOTHING was done essentially. Only got worse until I pulled him out permanently. You will be shocked at what those kids do in 6th grade! Especially, on the bus. Heard it first hand not only from my kids but the bus drivers as well! I'm sorry but sexual activity on the bus is just ridiculous and demeaning. So, go to the school and report b/c like someone else said in their case, it is most likely not just your daughter but other girls as well. So sorry it's happening to you. Stephanie--mom to 7
Sounds to me as that's what she going to be doing , but also sounds like she is just trying to get some opinions as to what other parents would do in a situation like this and advice. This is a discussion board. I absolutely agree about going to the school and talking with the principal and getting to the bottom of things , you need to also talk with your daughter and tell her if anything like this happens again she needs and must go immediately to the office and speak with the guidance counselor or the Principal . I would be extremely ****ed off if this was my daughter . Thanks for the info about myspace/facebook and google history .. I myself have 2 teens ( boy & girl ) and am on top of all of that , It wasn't long ago that i was a teenager . But for the new parents or even the ones with younger children that may not have thought about that , good info I hope you get things solved and your daughter can feel better about going to school everyday . My4kiddies
I agree, discussing this on a message board is probably not the right thing to do. You should march yourself to the school ready to talk to the administration.
I appreciate the replies. I will be prepared tomorrow as I have looked up the guidelines and dug up my voice recorder. (Great idea by the way!) It's things like that I would of overlooked being as upset as I am and I really want to thank everyone that took the time to reply. There is no handbook to parenting and I have never had to deal with a situation like this. I knew something had to be done, I just wanted to make sure I covered all my bases and handled this the best way I could. Thank you again. Also, I am doing the right thing by posting on a message board, because getting opinions from other parents is important to me. Implying that I should be camping out by the school door overnight is absurd. I can post on here and be up in the morning - to suggest otherwise is ridiculous. And to have to defend my post is even more so...
I was in the middle school office on Tuesday and there was a girl in there crying because she had been kicked off of the bus. She said she was being touched by a boy and he wouldn't stop so she hit him..... Wonder if this is the same boy?