Sheetz and Check Engine Light?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Meaninglessphoto, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. Meaninglessphoto

    Meaninglessphoto Active Member

    So this afternoon, I stopped at the Sheetz on 210 to put gas in my truck. After I left, I got about 3 miles away and my CEL came on. Truck runs fine, just a little lack of power after gassing up. I've had issues in the past with their gas with it burning too quickly with how watered down it is. I did a little homework and found that I wasn't the only person who had this issue. My truck is very well maintained with not even the slightest issue or problem.

    Has anybody around here have this issue as well? I know for a fact that they will not be getting my business any longer.
  2. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    If you had issues like that in the past, why would you buy their gas again?
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    And with their turn rate the last supplier to have water in their gas would be Sheetz.
  4. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I doubt they would be as successful as they are if they had a habit of selling bad gas. If your CEL came on that soon after filling up, check your gas cap and make sure it's tightened properly.
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    This, esp if it's a newer vehicle. Happened on mine, nothing but a loose cap.
  6. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    If the check engine light came on that quickly after getting gas, I would suggest checking that the gas cap is on correctly and tight. Cause if there is not a good seal that could cause the check engnine light to come on. I have had that happen to me several times in the past in different vehicles.

    My mechanic has told me that in the past and I have even heard that on some of the car shows I watch from time to time.

    Just a suggestion
  7. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    If you pull up to a pump and it says "May have 10% ethanol" Better go to another store if you want what you pay for... Cheaper is not always better...JS

    E10 (gasohol)
    E10 (also called “gasohol”) is a blend of 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline sold in many parts of the country. All auto manufacturers approve the use of blends of 10% ethanol or less in their gasoline vehicles. However, vehicles will typically go 3–4 fewer miles per gallon on E10 than on straight gasoline.
  8. mom23

    mom23 Active Member

    Good luck trying to find gas with no ethanol. Does anyone know of a station?
  9. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I am always looking for the E85 gas, to fill up the rental just before dropping it at the airport! :lol:
  10. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    I know that Big Boy's outside of Kenly has it, or they did the last time we were that way. We try to fill up whenever we go to see my MIL. Also, the station across from the shopping center that La Cocina is in on 70 has or had it at one time (Valero's, I think is the name). Haven't been there in a while. I found this list online, but not sure how accurate it is.
  11. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    Valero's used to be 100%, not sure about now. :?
  12. Meaninglessphoto

    Meaninglessphoto Active Member

    Well, I checked everything. Gas cap was on tight. However, I stopped tonight at Shell to get gas and went to Walmart for a little bit and let the new gas sit. 45 minutes later, turned on the truck and the CEL was off. So for that reason, im sticking with my normal Shell.
  13. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    All Gasohol

    I just got out of the gas hauling business. A mallard station between goldsboro and kinston still has Plus that is all gas and you might find a station around here like that but doubtful. All regular is gasohol because the regular is 83 octane and the ethanol brings the octane up to 87. The only reason you might find plus or midgrade is because it 89 octane and when they mix it with ethanol it brings it to 93 octane for premium.

    Fyi if you ever notice gas prices and midgrade is priced half way between regular and premium beware. Midgrade is 2 parts regular and 1 part premium. Octane: 2x(87) + 93 = 267. 267 / 3 parts = 89 octane. Mix your own midgrade at the pump for less money.
  14. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    My SUV does good with gas from Howards... The BP at West Clayton it took no time to burn up a full tank. I can fill up for under $60 and from Howards I can get around 400 miles on a full tank.. Last time I filled up at the BP I got like 330 miles. So you get what you pay for it the way I see it.
  15. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    Why you shouldn't buy cheap gas, and where to buy pure gasoline - answered

    First, there ARE differences in gas. The reason Sheets and Murphy can sell gas so cheap is because they get whatever is left/whoever has the cheapest supply down the pipeline for the day. I ONLY run Shell VPower in my newer cars, because it DOES have special additives and is of higher quality. If you don't have a car that requires premium, and it's 07 or newer, run brand-name 87 for 3 tanks, and every 4th tank, run Shell VPower 93.

    To the original question, ONE TIME I ran one of my 93-octane-only cars on Murphy gas (same as sheets), and within 20 feet it was sputtering.

    Also, a bottle of Techron for your injectors is a great idea for adding to the last tank of gas before you are due to change your oil.

    For cars 06 or OLDER, the dirty little secret that NO ONE in the government or mainstream society is talking about is the fact that ANY amount of ethanol is BAD for these older cars. Much like with biodiesel in a diesel car, unless it's a late-model car designed for the corrosive effects or biofuel, seals and rubber components will FAIL and CORRODE with time. The biggest issue from ethanol is that older gas tanks (pre-07) are not designed as airtight as 07 and up cars, and when heat and air from a not-completely-full tank mix with the ethanol, it creates water separation and leads to a gunky buildup in the tank, which can cause all sorts of issues.

    If you have a CARBURETED engine, ANY amount of ethanol (and almost all stations are at least E10) will DESTROY the seals in the carb. How many of you have sputtering lawn equipment? That was my tipoff that something was amiss. When I researched why my nearly-new lawnmower was running like crap, I figured it out.

    Now, as far as non-ethanol gas, I don't want you all to use up my supply (ha ha), but Community Mart on Old Stage/Rock Svc Station sells 93 octane pure, 100% gasoline. You will find many ppl filling their gas cans up there, as well as their older cars and boats. You can find other non-ethanol gas stations on

    Their gas is high, $4ish a gallon most recently for premium non-ethanol, real gasoline, but how much are you saving by buying ethanol-laden, and possibly water-laden gas at the CHEAP stations? I'd rather pump quality gas into my cars, the 2nd biggest investment I own. You should too.
  16. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I know my 07 Caliber does not like Walmart or BJ's gas. It got so bad I thought something was wrong with the transmission. Ran some Seafoam (LOVE that stuff) and strictly Shell or Exxon since and it's been just fine. Our 07 Caravan does not seem to care, LOL.

    DH had issues with the ethanol gas gumming up the carb in the ATV's and his motorcycle even though he used Stabil over the winter. Now we try to stay away from ethanol gas as much as possible in those too.

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