Shooting In Selma?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Emma Caroline, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    This forum has been a great source of education and entertainment for me over the last few months. I have always been able to find out useful info but have never participated before tonight. I received a phone call tonight telling me that there was a shooting tonight in Selma on the Neuse Charter School campus. I can't find out anything from the local media websites--and you guys seem to know everything that is happening around here so I thought I would see what you knew. From what I was told it was after school hours and did not involve any students. Thanks for the help.
  2. pausane

    pausane Guest

    I was at Neuse Charter School until 4:30 yesterday, and there were no problems. I think this is just a rumor but I will check with the school director today to double check.
  3. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    can you elaborate as to where you got this info? there is no confirmation of this anywhere, including from school officials, although a couple of inquiries have been made....
  4. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    he was contacted by wral last evening around 9pm, and has no knowledge of any incident
  5. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    My kids used to go to NCS and I was quite involved. I received a call from a grandmother who lives near the school and she told me that there had been a shooting on the basketball court behind the middle building. Apparently because I had been involved in other things she thought has some sort of control with the school--I think she thought I worked there. She just wanted to make sure no kids were out on the basketball court today for recess. When my son was there he went to the court for recess often. I gave her Dave Neville's number and told her to contact him. I am not trying to spread a rumor--but I am concerned for the safety of the kids. I still have not seen anything on the news but the lady who called me sounded very upset and I can't imagine why she would have made this up or called me if it were not true. FYI--NCS is a great school--Just too far to drive for us!
  6. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    it seems that there was a drive-by shooting on the basketball court at about 6:45 last evening. obviously unrelated to NCS, and not on school property's a selma town park.

    wonder why nobody in the media has picked up on this? i can't find anything about it anywhere....teenage drive-bys in poor neighborhoods not newsworthy around here?
  7. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Not in Selma for some reason. For whatever reason nobody cares about selma.
  8. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I am amazed as well that it is not in the news. I hope the kids are okay and that things like this don't totally erode their recess options. I knew this forum could get to the bottom of it!
  9. ihaveaquestion

    ihaveaquestion Well-Known Member

    Two teenagers were sent to the hospital Monday night in what was reported to be a drive-by shooting at the old Harrison School. Stephen King, 18, and Dontrez Pearce, 17, both of Selma told Selma Police they were sitting on a bench at the basketball court when several cars pulled up and the occupants started shooting. Selma Police Chief Charles Bowen said evidence suggests there was some type of shooting on the basketball court. Chief Bowen did not rule out that there was a drive-by shooting but said the victims' stories don’t match up with the evidence collected from the scene. Both victims were treated and released at Johnston Memorial Hospital for gunshot wounds to their legs.
  10. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    selma police have assured parents that daytime hours are safe, and that they are watching....
  11. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Not safe enough for my child - sorry Neuse Charter School -No thanks.
    Auxie likes this.
  12. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    I agree. I stay away from Selma.
    Auxie likes this.
  13. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Member

    There are so many guns on the street today and so many incidents like this, it's not newsworthy, it's the norm.
  14. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  15. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    somebody enlighten me on selma. i'm from raleigh, so it's not like i'm a total outsider, but i'm apparently not aware of why y'all are so anti-selma. it can't be as bad as durham....
  16. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    If Durham is the armpit of NC, Selma would be the perineum.
  17. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    I don't think I have ever been to Selma until my son started going to
    school there. Now I'm there every day. I'm growing fond of it. The
    downtown area is cool with antique shops and good places to eat.
    They have an AWESOME German bakery! They serve lunch too and the
    goulash is out of this world. Edelweiss I believe the name of it is. The
    American Music Jubilee has great musical shows. The Honduran restaurant
    Alandra's has been talked about on this forum
    when someone's child was doing a school project on Honduras. It's really
    good. Oh and there's a good Dominican restaurant too.
    The employees at Selma Parks and Rec do such a great job of coming up
    with events for kids. I'm very impressed by them! You can tell they love
    their town and are really trying to do something to improve it.
    I'm enjoying Selma's diversity. Sure there are rough areas. I never let
    my guard down. But then again I never let my guard down any where.
    You can't.
    I don't think a town should be dismissed just because it's economically
    depressed. Someone once said to me about the school's surrounding
    neighbors, "They might not have money but they are good folks."

    I'm not trying to convince anyone to visit Selma. I don't care what your opinion of Selma is. Doesn't matter to me.
    I thought I'd mention some of the cool things about Selma because after
    mostly being a reader on this site (not much of a poster) I can think of
    several people that would want to check out some of these cool places
    So I thought I'd share!!!!!!

    Dangerboy's wife
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2008
  18. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    I too am in Selma each and everyday of the work week (and some on the weekends) and find it has a charm and a warmth that unless you go and spend time there you wouldn't know -- one incident does not a town make - the people who live there and go to school there are good hard working, caring folks and its a shame that others decide based on the media's attention to all the negatives what kind of people and town it is.

    I read this passage the other day and think it is appropriate...

    21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. (First Corinthians 12, 21-26)

    We should have equal concern for one another. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it...
  19. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    its not just 1 incident. it happens all the time. Selma is know for its drugs and prostitution. there is people hanging out on the streets all the time and in order to get to main street you've got to pass all this. growing up in this area i've seen it all my life and everyone around here knows to stay away.
  20. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I don't know that area that well at all. I have heard nothing but bad stuff about it though. I do not go there and have no plans too. I hear it is a mini Durham. Durham is another place I do not go, Been there think it sucks and have NO use for it.

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