What do you think? http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20081107/us_time/shouldkidsbeabletograduateafter10thgrade
I began my college classes via an early admission program during the summer courses when I was a rising Junior in high school. I had my college English classes out of the way before I finished my Senior high school English, which was really a waste of my time by that point. I took College Algebra and Pre-Calculus because my high school did not have as much higher math as I needed, and then had to take much easier math classes in high school to meet the requirements for graduation. I wish I could have had access to such a program as the college course in the summer are a bit rough, especially when you are working full time.
I think it depends on the child. We now have a Middle College and those I know that have attended have been pleased. Some teens absorb and want to learn quicker than others. If those children stay at the normal high school schedule they actually get bored and some get in trouble. I think we have several families on this Forum who have children taking college courses in high school because they are qualified. They are hard courses but if the child can pull it out the credits go towards college and save everyone money and bored children. I started college early and it was a great experience. Sherry
I don't see why not. No reason to keep a kid tied to high school if they are academically ready for bigger things. I graduated at 17, what's one less year? Not every kid will be able or should, but for the few who are, why hold them back?
I agree that if the student is academically capable, that they should be allowed to further their education. Holding them back because they're thought to be too young is punishing them for using their capabilities.