I have seen this before and each time I do I appreciate our men and women in uniform more. For those who have served and are serving now a very Merry Christmas. For dependents who are alone because they have a loved one serving away right now or who have lost one in battle our family's thoughts are with you as well. Merry Christmas, Sherry
shout out to military i just found out my daughters husband is coming home from iraq, on dec 30, about a month early. hes been there for 15 months! my daughter is so happy and so is my grnddaughter!
This is a couple years old but if you haven't seen it, I feel it's one of those "must see TV" kind of items: http://www.rockymountainnews.com/special-reports/final-salute/ Make sure you watch the slide show presentation and the video. My heart is fairly hard these days, but this still brings a tear to my eye. God bless those warriors.