I was driving on Montana Dr. today and saw a brand-new house that the people just moved in there not too long ago with a warning sign on their door. The sign say something like "Danger: Environmental Health Hazard" with some small wordings that I cannot see far away. Some windows are covered with plastic clear sheet (inside). A cargo van that specialized in flooding mess, mold, fire, etc parked on their driveway. Their garage door is open, filled 100% space with furniture, boxes, clothes, etc. This house is totally brand-new. I don't see any fire damage or anything unusual there. I wonder what is that all about? I hope the family didn't get sick from the house or something. The house is right next to Cleveland Middle school.
OMG, could it be mold - i have heard stories about how mold can totally lead to a total demolition of a house. When we had our 1 year full inspection, that is one thing i kept following around the inspector asking about.
Sounds like the ending to E.T. Small words shouldn't be a problem with binoculars. No rural eastern NC neighbor should be without a good set of binoculars.