This is the season of joy, love, and celebration, we are all aware of this. Everyone likes to go out, party, drink and have a roaring good time. This is wonderful!!! But if ya got an appointment at a professional office, could ya just lay off the "sauce" long enough to conduct business without smelling like a bottle of cheap wine so bad you make someone's eyes BURN from the fumes??? Is that too much to ask? Getting "sauced up", "tanked up", "tore up from the floor up", "tying one on", "tipsy in your cups", "flat out drunk" is a personal choice and par for the course duting the holidays. But trying to conduct business in a professional setting in this condition is REALLy not a good idea. Thank you and have a Merry Christmas adn a Happy New year!!
Dern, guess those mints didn't work as well as I thought they would.................................. :mrgreen: