SJHS Student Offered Two Prestigious Scholarships, Including Morehead

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Two Prestigious Offers in Hand
    South Johnston's Sarah Core Offered Morehead and McNair Scholarships
    BENSON-- Sarah Core, a senior at South Johnston High School, has been
    awarded the Morehead - Cain Scholarship to UNC. Sarah is the second
    student in a row from SJHS to receive this prestigious scholarship. She
    has also been awarded the prestigious McNair Scholarship at the
    University of South Carolina. This scholarship is a full ride equivalent
    to the Morehead.

    Sarah is the daughter of Ken and Carol Core of Four Oaks. She
    is actively involved in the school as the Vice President of the National
    Honor society and the Parliamentarian for the Skills USA chapter. Sarah
    is a Tri-Speaker for the North Carolina Youth Legislative Assembly, and
    has been a member of the Varsity Cross-Country team all four years of
    high school. She is also an active member of her community where she
    tutors local elementary school children and entertains for civic events,
    senior citizen groups, and other local venues. Sarah was also
    recognized this past year as an AP Scholar with Distinction.

    The McNair scholarship to the University of South Carolina,
    Columbia, covers nearly 100 percent of the total cost of attendance.
    The Morehead-Cain scholarship to the University of North Carolina at
    Chapel Hill covers the full cost of attendance. Sarah has not decided
    at this point which university she plans to attend, but is thankful for
    both opportunities.

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