17,500 Speeding Tickets Written Last Week (WPTF)--It should be pretty obvious by now...North Carolinians feel a need for speed. Probably a little TOO much. Governor Easley announced Tuesday the recent highway safety campaign saw law enforcement officers writing over 17,500 speeding citations last week. This was the first time state agencies and local law enforcement worked their campaigns at the same time.
Yeah, what I hate is when I'm going 5-10 MPH over the speed limit and I have someone behind me about to run me over.
Or worse, when you're on rural roads (like in our area) and you're going the speed limit and people are right on your bumper! No wonder there are so many accidents around here.
True, but if the speed limit was raised to 80, then people would go 10-15 MPH over that. (They do now anyway.....) But what concerns me more is on the rural roads. You expect speeding on the interstates, but people fly up and down the roads around here. I live near 40/42 and Cleveland sch rd.......we hear sirens (EMS) constantly!!
80 should be the speed limit and 79 the minimum..That way we can keep all the people who don't understand the LEFT LANE IS THE FREAKIN FAST LANE!!!MOVE OVER!!:arrow:and remove that phone from your ear!!!
if you go one mile over the posted speed you are breaking the law. Perhaps a novel approach should be started. A minimum speed and enforcement of the left lane is for passing. The roads around here were never designed for the traffic they have. How do you determine what speed a road should be in an unincorporated area?
Wow, that's quite a number of speeding tickets. Speeding happens. We've all seen law officers (without lights/sirens), legislators and a host of different types of people speeding. Its like a cat and mouse game. If you fudge a little on the limit, few people care. Its not the speeding but the recklessness that often goes along with it. I speed some (with the help of a detector and attentiveness) and I'm not bothered in the least when someone passes me when they seem to be managing their vehicle appropriately. The problem is that many people tend to overdrive their vehicles or their abilities. They don't realize how long it takes to stop a car running 80 mph and they aren't prepared for a tire failure or something similar at speeds of 80 or higher. They don't know when to drop their speed for safety and they speed without care. That is dangerous.
Their are people that can not handle their vehicle at 45 mph. The danger to me is the difference in speeds. You have somebody going 50-65 mph in the left hand lane and someone going 100 mph. Their is an incredible danger from people that think because they are going 10 over the speed limit and anybody else should not be passing in the left lane so they will not move over.
The speed limit is the law. The fact that you want to break the law makes you the hazzard, not me for obeying the law.
So do all of you ladies get on that phone before you even get out of the parking lot from work??? Just curious. every single day I leave work. Every single car that has a female driver has her left elbow on the door, her right arm stuck to her ear, and twirling her hair with the other hand. Then when you beep the horn because they don't see the freakin light change they get all _issy. What no one else notices that? Must be just me.
How Noble Clif. Have you not seen the signs that say "Slower Traffic Keep Right"? Or are you that nuckle head who stays in the left lane because it is your duty to slow down traffic? For the record you are not breaking the law unless you are caught breaking the law.
Nope, I avoid talking on my phone while in the car, use it only when its absolutely necessary, because I know I don't pay as much attention to my driving and that of others when I'm on the phone.
Glad you never break the law, but check out this website and see how many more states are more progressive than NC. http://driverightpassleft.com/laws/index.asp