Smith Named Class Nobel Educator of Distinction

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, May 23, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    BENSON-- Joey Smith, a History teacher at West Johnston High School,
    has been selected as a Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction by The
    National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS). A role model to
    pupils, Smith was nominated by student Amanda Cameron for outstanding
    dedication and commitment to excellence in teaching. The Claes Nobel
    Educator of Distinction award recognizes teachers who have made a
    lasting difference in their classrooms by encouraging students to strive
    for excellence.

    Student members of NSHSS have the opportunity to nominate the one
    educator who has made the most significant contribution to their
    academic career. This award, bestowed by The Society upon the
    recommendation of a member, allows the students to recognize the
    commitments, strengths, and gifts of their teachers, providing an
    opportunity for them to recognize and thank their academic mentors. It
    is an honor bestowed upon an outstanding educator by a young scholar.
    "Dedicated educators who exhibit a commitment to excellence deserve
    our highest praise and appreciation," said NSHSS Chair Claes Nobel.
    "We're excited to provide an ongoing means to do so, and we
    encourage our members to nominate teachers who have been pivotal to
    their academic success."

    Formed in 2002 by Mr. Claes Nobel, a senior member of the family which
    established the Nobel Prizes, The National Society of High School
    Scholars recognizes academic excellence at the high school level and
    encourages members of the organization to apply their unique talents,
    vision, and potential for the betterment of themselves and the world.
    Currently there are more than 300,000 Society members in over 50
    counties. NSHSS also provides scholarship opportunities for deserving
    young people. For more information about NSHSS visit

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