Just wondering if anyone else saw it? It was around 11:30ish this morning. It looked like it was coming from the direction of the old house at the stoplight where 50 and Old Drugstore was. I know that they have been burning trash there lately. I saw/heard several firetrucks. Hope all is alright!
I think I read on the random thoughts thread today that a couple folks on here heard sirens around 11:30, but never checked back to see what it was. Hubby told me a trailer off one of those side roads (can't remember the name) off 50 was on fire yesterday, maybe it's that, maybe they're still trying to put it out?
several fires trailer fire on sunday at 10:30 am on pierce rd, house fire today on oakridge dr off of 50 highway what a busy 2 days!!!
tHE PLACE OFF OAK RIDGE IS MY BOSSES (oops caps) neighbors house. How did that one start? Does anyone know yet? We got home around 10 tonight and she called me saying her neighbors house was burnt up. I went to take a peeksie!. wow.
Yeah my hubby said that it must have restarted again yesterday afternoon because the fire department went back out there. My heart goes out to them, that is my biggest fear!
Tit, Let us know if there is anything we can do to help the family. We could take up donations of clothes, etc. if needed.