I didn't do a search so please forgive me if this has been asked before- My baby girl got bit by what the doc believes was a snake. Dr. Beretich said it COULD have been a spider but his best guess would be a snake from the size and location. Anywho... it happened we believe 2 maybe 3 days ago (Tues Night or Weds morn) and we thought is would go back down. At one point yesterday morning it looked to be going down. Well when we got home last night it was HUGE! The size of a softball and 1/2. :cry: :cry: She has been eating and drinking fine and acting fine just a huge knot on her neck, chin, and side of her face. Well we of course rushed her to the Vet... ( I <3 Dr Beretich) and he put her on a high dose of antibiotics & steroids. He snake bites need to be jumped on and dealt with quickly ( :cry: bad mommy kookoo bad bad!!) He said it will probably absess (sp?) and have to be cut or bust. Has anyone had any experince with snake bites or possibly spider bites? What type of treatment? How did it heal? Any other details would be GREAT! TIA
i have no idea what it wass but I sure hope she is feeling better soon. Did the doc give her and special meds?
Yeah they gave her, what Doc B said "some high powered" antibiotics & steriods. He said she will prolly have to be lanced... I say better to be lanced than it pop! :x Another dilema we were up against was we are fixing to leave to go on vacation for a week @ the lake and won't be close to Doc B. He said that it will prolly absess in a few days and we'll prolly need some more med. attention. In my book, He's the only vet in the world, so we would have to drive 2 hrs back to him. He suggested that we could leave her with him while we are gone and he could give her shots each day of the anti. & roids which would be a good bit better than giving her the pills. AND they could keep a close eye on her, and lance it when needed in a few days. SO we are prolly going to leave her for almost a week at the vets. :cry: :cry: But I am positive she will be taken very very good care of I just feel like such a HILL for doing her like this so late!! I am feel pretty confident that she'll heal and be ok but I just hate her going through this. damint! ugh I'm kicking myself! Thanks for the well wishes guys!
WOO! At first I thought you meant baby girl as in HUMAN baby girl! :shock: Can the Doc give you meds and supplies for while you're away? My only experience with snake bite is what was told to me by the MIL concerning DH. When he was about six... his Mom asked " what are those red spots on your arm?" He said "It's where that stupid snake kept biting me" :shock: :shock: Luckily, it was just a garden snake edited for stupid spelling mistakes
Also hoping for the best! I anticipate having the same problem one day, the other day my genius was focused on someone elses mark and did not see the Garden Snake poised to strike about 3" from his snout.
Koo, sweetie, leave her! We've had experience with snake bites. You don't want it to rupture when you're 2 hours away from the only doc you trust! She'll be safe here, and you may even rest a little better knowing she's in good hands, instead of worrying over her the whole time you're gone. {{hugggss}} Frogger
I got bit by a copperhead on my ankle about 3 years ago. They gave me antivenom and antibiotics...it sucked!
Welp folks! we ended up leaving her with Doc B and yes it got so large around her neck that he had to lance it. One lady at the vet's office said she looked like a cartoon character. LOL He said her head was 3 times the size it is now. :shock: And yes I am SO GLAD that we left her...... The lady said that she was fine Friday night and Sat morning her head was huge! Now she is just on antibiotics and a waterhose keeping it wound clean. She is happy as can be and prancing around like normal. Also, she is putting back on the 5-8 lbs she lost while in the vets office. When we picked her up you could tell that she was upset and prolly depressed from us leaving her like that. (I'm guessing she didn't eat hardly anything ) But now she is piggin' out Baby girl is back in action... with a slight booboo under her chin that's healing though! Thanks for all of your thoughts and comments