I left at 6:10 and got to Durham at 8:00. Many accidents on 40, so I took 440 to 64 bypass to new 540 to 70. roads not bad that way, but everyone going 35 mph.
I did not get much either, just sleet...but we are out of school anyway today. My students finished their exams yesterday. I am wondering about this storm coming Sunday....I am flying out in the morning for Alabama and will not be in until late Sunday night, that is, unless it snows. Happy Snow Day to everyone!
That's what our back deck looks like. Kids are like maybe if it snows tomorrow we can make a snow man. Ummm kid it isn't gonna snow tomorrow. LOL Silly kids!
I was a bad Mom - I let my son go into school an hour late this morning. He woke up sooo excited about the snow and went out to play as soon as the sun started coming up. We build a little snowman but as soon as we were done taking pictures of our little snowbuddy my son knocked his head off and used the snow to bomb me with snowballs. We figured it was time to head for school when the freezing rain started falling. We didn't have a ton of snow - but just enough to have a little fun. We even had icee's for breakfast this morning (Yep we stayed away from any yellow snow). I hope everyone has a fun, SAFE day !!!
When I went out to feed the animals,I had to struggle through snow drifts about,ummm,knee deep:lol: Yeah,thats the ticket
Ahhh finally got snow. I know Harleygirl doesn't like it but is glad it's only a dusting. Although I know how the roads there are and hope everyone is safe. Myself we actually may break out of the freezing temps today.
You're not bad at all! I fully intend on mine skipping school sometime during the summer. Yup. We're gonna rent a convertible and have a beach day. :lol: As long as their grades are good, of course! Besides, the "Perfect Attendance Award" is shot with the first sore throat or fever anyway.:roll:
Well, I had rather have a ":?: " for Sunday than them just flat out lie about the weather! :lol: Should be interesting...