This fella visited us last fall. I snapped so many pics of him enjoying his breakfast that he finally stopped eating and looked at me as if to say, "Do you mind?" :lol:
I tried that! I have a garage full of those gross spiders! I left a few dead ones laying about to frighten the others but I still put on shoes to go out to the freezer. The pest control people were supposed to come today, hopefully they will fix it because I don't even want to park in there!!!!!!
We love seeing praying mantis', been seeing quite a few lately. My youngest killed one the other day...:cry:. I swear, that's gotta be some kind of bad luck, isn't it? He's only 3, he doesn't know any better, he thinks everything is a spider, so he kills it. (he hangs around me too long, I don't like critters, but I don't kill them unless they're in my house, and my oldest isn't around to take them outside)
Looks like what I have always known to be called a wolf spider, and we have tons of the things around the house. Craig
Around the OUTSIDE of the house, not the inside! I have the heeby-jeeby chills just looking at that picture!!
Cleo, I wonder why yours is tan and mine is bright green?? Got a pix today that I'll edit on my post tomorrow. Way Cool!!! I think it was a dude because he didn't want his picture taken! :lol:
We had one the other day that was at least 4". Flared up like a peacock and then the little sucker BIT me! I was moving it so my cat wouldn't hurt it. It's living happily in a crepe myrtle. Tonight I saw a small one about 2 inches long on the deck rail. Cute little critters.
Harley, Here's a link and below is a picture and paragraph from the link on your green vs. brown mantis. Typically green or brown and well camouflaged on the plants among which they live, mantis lie in ambush or patiently stalk their quarry. They use their front legs to snare their prey Love these things, Sherry
Hmm. Maybe. How big do the wolf spiders get? This guy was at LEAST 3 inches in diameter, the tiles in the picture are about 7 5/8 inches just to give you an idea. I had seen one out front a few weeks ago, then a week later saw one in the crawlspace. Then the other night, I chased this guy off the screened in porch so I could get a pic and exterminate him.
Definitely a wolf spider. Got a bunch of them right now because DH hasn't had time to spray. These are the ones that carry their babies on their back. So if you go to squish a really big one, be careful, because hundreds of babies will scatter. :ack:
Nope, I don't think these spin webs like other spiders. They hide an pounce................hence the name. 8)
OMG, I so hate spiders. I have to get my oldest DD or my DH to kill them whenever I see one. And our garage is crawling with them this year it seems like. I don't think I have ever seen this many. Whats up with that?