South Smithfield Earns Technology Grant from Best Buy

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    South Smithfield Receives $2,500 From Best Buy for School Technology

    SMITHFIELD--South Smithfield Elementary School announced today that
    Best Buy has awarded a $2,500 te@ch award to the school for integrating
    interactive technology into the curriculum.
    "Technology here at South Smithfield Elementary has just moved to
    another level. Receiving this award will be effective in enhancing our
    school with meaningful technology resources," says Anna Madison,

    Best Buy started te@ch in October 2003, to reward schools that
    creatively integrate interactive technology into their curricula. All
    accredited, public and private nonprofit elementary, middle, and
    secondary schools located within 25 miles of a Best Buy store were
    eligible to apply. "Today, teachers across the country are using
    technology in new and creative ways; we want to support and recognize
    their efforts to make learning fun and easy," said Paula Prahl, VP of
    Public Affairs for best Buy. "The te@ch program helps innovative
    educators enhance their curricula. By committing dollars to the
    communities in which we work and live, we can more fully support our
    employees, our customers, and their families."

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