Okay, watching Emeril right now and he is doing Southern Comfort food.... Got me thinking.... What is your favorite Southern Comfort food? Mine is, hands down, Brunswick stew with LOTS of hush puppies. Oh and don't forget the big glass of ice cold sweet tea. Your turn.
Fried chicken with pastry, candied yams, collard greens, corn bread and my famous and YUMMY "nanna" pudding!!!!!!!!! with SWEET TEA
My Nanny used to take drippings from sausage or bacon, put it in the cast iron frying pan, cut up some hot dogs and brown them, then make milk gravy on top of it. Served over some homemade buttermilk biscuits. Oh good grief, it's so good it'll make you smack your mama.
Fried chicken, biscuits, sliced homegrown tomatoes, green beans, fried okra, sweet tea, and peach cobbler.
yup - this is mine..... look at the color, the texture, the intermingling of flavors with a bit of cranberry juice. AHHHHH delightful. Now... can I get is served by a nice down-home country fella with a cowboy hat and some ...never mind I am getting lost here....
I'd have to say homemade strawberry shortcake with southern style buscuits - not cake or anything.....mmmmm...so good!! Also, gotta have the sweet tea, corn bread with beans, etc.....yumm!!!