SPCA question

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by plarno, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. plarno

    plarno Guest

    Has anyone taken unwanted animals to the SPCA? What is the procedure? Will they take them? I have a cat that was apparently dropped off at my house. She was pregnant. She's had two litters since she's been here. I called about getting her fixed but the message said the office was closed for the entire month of August. As soon as she stops nursing she gets pregnant again! And now I'm thinking she might be pregnant again! Finally got rid of the first litter but now I have 6 kittens here. Do you think they'll take the mamma and kittens? I can't go through this again.
  2. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Yes, the SPCA will take her. Don't know that she'd be there long depending on current population and such But JCAS does try to find rescues for the bulk of the cats before going to last resort.

    If you take her to Garner, you have to take her to the drop off location on 70 by the old Lowes near Agri Supply area.

    You can always google cat rescues within the area too that may take her (JCAPL is full).

    Good luck.
  3. JellyBean

    JellyBean Well-Known Member

    I would highly recommend the Wake County SPCA. Here is the link for their intake process. They actually take animals in at the old Hwy 70 location in Garner and are a no kill facility. I used to volunteer there a (at the adoption center) and the cats have a great life there until they are adopted (even if they are not adopted, they stay there since they are no kill)


    Good luck.

    BEEBSLY9 Active Member


    The garner 70 location will take in strays but its not that easy. They usually have a waiting list that is miles long. They really need you to prove that you have done EVERYTHING in your power to find the cat a forever home. I would try to contact some local rescues before thinking about the shelter, but they usually ask for you to fill out the forms online and then wait until there is available space! Good luck!

    BEEBSLY9 Active Member

    Why don't you go to a cheap spay and neuter clinic and get the cat neutered, then you can keep the cat and not have to worry about any other litters! :hurray:
  6. tatorgirl

    tatorgirl Active Member

    Another option is Snowflake Animal Rescue out of Raleigh. They are a no kill adoption agency. We went through their adoption process many years ago for our kitten and they really did a great job of matching the kitten to our needs and situation. I have listed the link below.

  7. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    The SPCA of wake county no longer takes animals from the public. All animals have to go to the County run shelter, Wake County Animal Shelter off of New Bern. The SPCA then goes to the varies shelters and picks up the animals that they have room to save.

    There is a good chance they will be euthanized if dropped off, so be sure to think about it. It is not expensive to have her spayed at their low cost clinic, she can still be nursing (or even pregnant for that matter).

    Even with that being said, you could contact them and beg, they like kittens... lol.
  8. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I'm curious as to how in-depth the process is to match a cat to a person.

    I mean, how many questions did they ask? Did they use a computer to cross-reference your responses to the animals they had on the premises? If they did not have a cat that specifically met your responses, could they have called around to other facilities to see if there was a match?

    In case you haven't figured it out, I'm being facetious. I find it terribly funny that you have specific needs and situation that not just any cat would fulfill.

    Either a cat is family friendly or it isn't. If the cat isn't family friendly, it should not be available for adoption in the first place. If it is, and you want a cat, there you go.

    It's not rocket surgery.
  9. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    How is this cat getting pregnant? It takes two to tango. This means you have an unneutered male cat. Unless this cat goes outside unsupervised. You don't allow your cat outside to roam freely, do you? Cats need protection, too. :neutral:
  10. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

  11. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Yes, the cat is outside unsupervised -- it was dropped at her house or something along those lines.
    And yes, it takes 2 to tango - some people don't want cats in their house though so the cycle keeps going on.

    Seems best bet would be to have the cat spayed while in heat - costs like 10/20 more I believe (thru POPS/SNAPS) and at this point well worth the extra $$ ..

    Clif - the "matching" of pet to family I think is some ppl want a "snuggly" pet who is clingy (or needy) so that's where matchmaker comes into play. I think that's about the only matching that can be done.
    I'm with you though ... find a pet, like it and take it home. I believe that pets adapt to the household way of life (... boxers are supposedly high strung dogs -- mine isn't because we don't live in a hgh strung household. We play & when its time to settle then we settle down). And if it doesn't, then oh well - committment made already once the pet comes home.
  12. Resident

    Resident Well-Known Member

    "Rocket surgery"? Did you mean "rocket science" or "brain surgery"?

    Have you tried looking at the Operation Catnip information? I have heard about it, but it's for spaying or neutering feral cats so they don't continue to multiply.

  13. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    It's called mixed metaphor. Look it up.
  14. Tbo

    Tbo Active Member

    Try SNAP in Jo Co. instead of the shelter

    Its a very good chance the cat will be euthanized since euthanization rates are almost 75% for cats and dogs in Wake and Johnston County. SNAP in Jo Co will neuter for 40.00 if you are low income. And they do a Great job.

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