Has anyone heard of or know of the new FEDERAL law that recently went into effect?? I'm stunned and hope you all have more insight. They are saying children in special ed (not resource mind you) setting(self-contained) w/ pullouts, will HAVE to be pulled out to age appropriate classes. What?! How can they even mandate that? I mean, I have a 7th grader self-contained who is 15. If they were to pull her out, she'd have to go to the highschool. This makes no sense whatsoever. Currently I homeschool her but need to know for future. I want to verify all this and hope someone know all the details as I got this info from another special ed parent. I was told it did NOT matter whatsoever what was written into the IEP as this is federal law. This will totally affect my daughter(a different one) who is going into 2nd grade self-contained. She'll be on a Kindergarten level however, according to this law, would receive pull outs in the 4th grade! I'm calling the central office later but figured some of you might know. Again, I'm hoping somehow, someway, this other parent misinterpreted the info but knowing her, I highly doubt it so that is why I'm writing. Highly concerned as this would traumatize a great many kids in the special education system. Not to mention, be very difficult on the kids who's class they would go to. Any thoughts? Anyone know? Can I have a site to look at? Is the information I heard false(PLEASE let this be it!!!)? Thanks in advance for any insight. stephanie--mom to 7