speciality doctor or hospital

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robbie, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Ok, everyone, I need some serious help. Here goes. My Mother's nose bust out bleeding 2 weeks ago, she bleeds about 1/3 cup blood and then it stops on its own. This has happened how many times a day since then and she went to the ENT and they cauterized it. It still bled and after the 4th time at the emergency room of the hospital they admitted her. She has been in the hospital since Monday the 14th! They have done all kinds of blood tests and all were negative. They packed her nose for 5 days and it bled thru the packing. They just did a CAT scan and found nothing. NOw last nite they did an emergency blood transfusion because you can't bleed for x times a day for 2 weeks and have good blood. They say she has paper thin membranes up her nose, give her low dose blood pressure medicine because they think she has a pressure spike before each episode (from the heart doctor), and they can't release her from the hospital in New York because she bleeds way too much. Question: Does anyone know in NOrth Carolina a specialist or doctor or hospital that deals with this or has seen something like this before. Any suggestions. Mom is 68 and has no rx's, so that is not a cause,, and she is getting very depressed thinking a cure will never be found. She smoked for 50 years and quit Two weeks ago after she got scared when the bleeding started. Thanks!
  2. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    My mom had a reaction to cleaning chemicals when they got the place at the beach, dad called the ambulance to come get her, the ER cautrized and put some type of packing up her nose that went down into her throat. :ack:

    Took out the packing and tube and she's been fine ever since.

    Mom's VERY sensitive to smoke, heavy duty cleaners, dust etc ...

    I wish your mom the VERY best.

    I don't have a dr that I know of around here. I'll call mom in the morning to see where she went.
  3. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    My mom has had a problem with nose bleeds in the past. She goes to Raleigh ENT. I think they are located on Anderson Drive off of Six Forks Road. It seems that any number of things can cause it. Her situation sounds sort of like my mom's. They've took a laser and did something like burning the blood vessels in her nose because she too has thin membranes. They said those vessels wouldn't bleed anymore. She still has had some minor bleeding here and there, but nothing major. I've been to Raleigh ENT before, too and have no complaints with them.
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I've also heard good things about Raleigh ENT.

    Good luck to your mom. I know she must be scared out of her mind over this. I'll keep her in my prayers.
  5. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    She had the packing for 5 days and that didn't help. 3 operations of cauterizing the vessels didn't help, and now a blood transfusion. I will call Raleigh ENT and see what they say. I will call my MOM later and see if she had a good nite last nite. Keep the suggestions coming, maybe someone knows someone etc. Thank You everyone for the thoughts and prayers. I am scared out of my wits also, ready to take a leave from work if this doesn't get better. I hate to see her scared and frightened by this.
  6. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I know as a child I had constant nose bleeds. Spent some time with my mom going to doctors. Turned out I had allergies to pollen, dust, dander. I couldn't be around any animals or even have any stuft animal toys. I know I was on meds for it. Can't remember what they were (it was way back in the early 60's). Well eventually the nose stopped bleeding (other then being punched in it). I agree you need to get her to an ENT asap.
  7. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I had constant nosebleeds when I was little, like 2 or 3 years old. They had me in the hospital for a week running tests, they thought I was anemic (sp?). Then finally figured out I was allergic to eggs. I grew out of it over the years, thankfully!!

    Thoughts are with you and your mom, I hope they can figure this out soon!!
  8. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Well, Thank You for your prayers and good wishes, I have been doing a lot of that lately for my MOM also. This time the ENT did a MRI last nite which is more detailed than a CT scan, and then they conferred with other ENT's across the country and they put her in surgery again this morning in which they have found something and then they packed her nose again, and the doctor's are pleased with the surgery and think this should be it. Please pray this is it. My poor Mother, how much can one take. Hopefully she will come home on Christmas Day tomorrow and then my best Christmas present would have come true! Merry Christmas everyone and a safe and Happy and Healthy New Year to all.
  9. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear that they think they've taken care of it and she'll be home soon. I'm sure she'll be happy when its behind her. Merry Christmas and extend the same well wishes to your family.
  10. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    What a wonderful, wonderful Christmas present. Wishing you and your family a very Happy & Healthy New Year! hopefully the surgery did the trick this time.

    Take care,

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Great news, I hope your Christmas wish comes true!
  12. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: ditto!! :grouphug:
  13. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Well bad news again, my Mother's nose bled 9 hours after the surgery. She bleeds about 1/3 cup each time. Doctor said that is way too much blood and will not release her, not that my MOM wants to leave the hospital until they have a definite answer. They are getting her in for an emergency MRI now that will be able to see more than a CT scan. I hope they find the cause of all this. She is one of the rare cases of the ENT's not figuring out the cause of her nose bleeds. The ENT's have been seeking other ENT's in other states looking for answers and suggestions> So MOM will have Christmas in the hospital. They do have the Christmas spirit in there thou, so it isn't so bad. Merry Christmas everyone. WIll keep everyone posted.
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I am so sorry this is still going on. She and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:
  15. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Thank You. I just tried to call her for Christmas and she is not answering her phone., so she is either sleeping or in surgery again?
  16. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if he does exactly what you need, but the ENT I used recently (and would recommend) is Dr. Catz (http://www.catzent.com/). He's right on 70 across from the shiny diner. He also has an office in Smithfield.

    I used him for surgery on my ear and he did a great job. If you decide to give him a call, I hope he can help your mom.)
  17. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    My heart goes out to you and your family. I sincerely hope and pray that all goes well for her.
  18. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Thank You. The hospital does do a great job in keeping up the spirits at Christmas. There were carolers in the hospital and Santa and Ms. Clause giving every patient a gift, so MOM said the spirit was there amonst the doctors and nurses and all. So we wait for the MRi to be read and Hope she doesn't bleed. She hasn't bled since 6pm yesterday so I keep my fingers crossed. Oh, she said they did a test today to see if she is a bleeder and it came back negative, so that is good news. That lets them know that something is wrong and that she is not a natural bleeder. Hope everyone had a great Christmas.
  19. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Hey robbie...let me put this in perspective for you,.....
    i know your mom is miserable with all this but at least she is on the road to recovery. People are caring and helping her and even though it is Christmas and she is in the hospital, things will be getting better. Try to look at the brightside of all this. Everything could always be worse.
    My mom is in the hospital too, since way before christmas and will be for some time. She didnt even know it was christmas. A quad bypass and double valve repair last monday and she has barely regained conscienceness for more then a few hours. Then they put her back in sedation for another breathing tube and a feeding tube.
    And things could have been worse for us too....just like every other day folks die on Christmas.
    My mom is hanging in there. yours is on the road to healing, even if it does take a while. We are lucky compared to many others. i hope and pray they can fix your mom soon so she can go home.
  20. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Well after the 3rd surgery on Christmas Eve, she didn't bleed again till the day after Christmas. She is on iron pills, and now another blood specialist is in on it and said to give her a very powerful antibiotic in her IV just in case there might be this one stubborn micro organism that is causing any trouble. And every so often she needs a shot of morphine because this whole thing is so painful on the right side of her face. But yes, I do count my blessings countless times a day and know that for every story out there, there is a worse one yet. Hope your MOM recovers also.

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