My kids are pretty athletic, and have participated in GCAA sports, Billy Bounce Basketball, etc over the last several years. However, now that they are both in elem school, I'm looking for a program that does not have a weeknight practice. DS is not doing all that well in reading, and I want to focus on that first. DD is just starting K, and I want to keep her on the right track. I know people think kids need some outside of school activities, but I'd prefer they work on their schooling first (of course they play, etc). So, are there any programs locally that are just on Sat? Thx...
I'm glad you brought this up...I don't mind a simple practice during the week. But my 3rd grader is in baseball for the first time and they have games 2x/week, Mondays and Fridays. Fridays aren't so bad, since there's no school. But Mondays are hard because it's a school night. And get this: some of his games are scheduled for 7:35! And they never start on time! Last night he didn't get home until 9:30! This means he gets home at 4:10, gets a few minutes (literally) to unwind, then jumps right into homework, eats dinner, changes, and is out the door. He has to finish his homework, because it's too late by the time he gets home. That is just ridiculous, whoever made up that game schedule obviously doesn't know anything about kids, and doesn't care about schoolwork. I was told they would have 1 game during the week and practice on the weekend, I would have never signed him up if I thought it would be 2 games/week, and they'd be this late. Luckily he's not enjoying it much so I don't think he'll do it in the spring.
YMCA is only one day a week, but it is a weeknight. BMX you could do just on Saturday. Upward programs through the local church's maybe?
How about karate or judo? We have never done anything like that but I am just throwing something out for you to think about. Trying to think outside the box. Good morning, Sherry
Great suggestions. We could even use the BMX as a reward system (he needs some encouragement in his school work
all extra-curricular stuff for my boys was only if they were doing good in school....and that didn't just mean grades. It meant behavior at home and school, no whining about homework, and good grades as well. Unfortunately, they didn't get to do anything extra till 5th grade, when they grasped the concept. Now in the 6th grade, they get it. They are able to juggle all, school, good grades, respect, behavior, homework and the yearbook club, science club, school dances, football games.....