Looks like Steeplechase is back on the drawing board again. http://www.townofclaytonnc.org/Planning/projects-development.aspx https://www.google.com/maps/place/R...0ebf5c9b20f228!8m2!3d35.6690205!4d-78.4492615 Proposal: Request for rezoning and subdividing a portion of land to Planned Development Residential, allowing up to 600 residential lots (townhomes, single family), and amenities (private clubhouse/pool, lake, pedestrian walk ways, multi-use paths, pocket parks).
A little more detail: And if you want more detail - https://townofclaytonnc.civicweb.ne...n.pdf?handle=27FD9BB427A94A6EA5325A53477BE171
I thought TOC bought this property or something. I swear I heard/read that there was something in the works for a grand park at some point.
We will see. The Earp Farm has been up for development a few times in the past. It usually gets to a decent point in the process, actually, and then the developers get tired of dealing with the Town's B.S. and they give up and walk away. Same thing happened with the hospital on Hwy 42.