Steve Bizzell

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Titleist, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. Titleist

    Titleist Guest

    When is election day for County Sheriff?
  2. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky Well-Known Member

  3. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    Friday, October 13th Voter registration deadline for November 7th General Election. Forms must be postmarked or delivered in person by 5:00 p.m. today. Last day to change party affiliation before November 7th General Election.

    Wednesday, October 18th Deadline for submitting originals of faxed voter registration forms in order to vote in November 7th General Election.

    Thursday, October 19th One-stop absentee voting begins for General Election, 205 2nd Street BOE, Smithfield
    Tuesday, October 24 One Stop absentee voting begins for General Election at the Work Force Center, 135 Bestwood Drive, Clayton
    Tuesday, October 31st Last day to request absentee ballots in writing (exception due to sickness or disability)
    Saturday, November 4th One-stop absentee voting ends both Location
    Monday, November 6th Mailed absentee ballots must be received in BOE office by 5:00 p.m.
    Deadline to request absentee ballots for sickness/disability is 5:00 p.m.
    Tuesday, November 7th General Election Day
  4. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    The 3, YES THREE, Cleveland Township voting precincts are now the Fire Dept, The C3 Church (near Polenta School) and CES.

    Many people should have received a NEW VOTER Registration card in the mail.

    The polls open at 6:30am till 7:30pm.

  5. Titleist

    Titleist Guest

    Thanks guys and gals. I appreciate the info.. :D
  6. Sheriff's Race

    Why should I vote for someone with no experience in law enforcement other than getting lucky enough to win the sheriff's seat and winning his re-election over someone who has served as a law enforcement officer for over 25 years.
  7. Sheriff

    Found this in the N&O. Sounds fishy to me. Why would you want someone in office like this? Look at the two dates; the first is before his re-election and the second is after his re-election. The election was Nov. of 2002. I guess he does like he pleases after he gets what he wants.

    January 11, 2001 The News & Observer
    Officer fired after illegal search STEVE MYERS STAFF WRITER SMITHFIELD -- A captain in the Johnston County Sheriff's Office was fired Wednesday after a judge said he conducted an illegal search and testified untruthfully about it. Superior Court Judge Jack Thompson ruled Dec. 28 that Capt. William David Daughtry, 36, a captain in the narcotics division, entered a mobile home illegally without a search warrant. Thompson also ruled that Daughtry lied on the stand when he testified that he hadn't made any notes during the search. [View the full-text article, 614 words]

    February 5, 2003 The News & Observer
    Johnston deputies get promotions From Staff Reports SMITHFIELD -- Johnston County Sheriff Steve Bizzell made several key promotions Monday, including a new jail administrator. The sheriff tapped patrol Capt. Mardy Benson to oversee the jails, replacing Frank Gunter, who left in January to become the Wake County jail administrator. David Daughtry was named acting patrol captain to replace Benson. Bizzell also hired A.C. Fish, formerly the narcotics chief of the Smithfield Police Department, as captain of the narcotics division. [View the full-text article, 110 words]
  8. suez1112

    suez1112 Guest

    I personally think that Sheriff Bizzell has done an excellent job for Johnston County. He is an excellent representation of our community and serves the position well. He is devoted to getting rid of the drugs and drug dealers that corrupt our county. He is very professional and dedicated to his position. I hope everyone will look at what he has done and vote for him again. I know I will!
  9. georgie_girl

    georgie_girl Member

    Steve Bizzell is a GREAT sheriff! He has made getting rid of drug dealers a priority and he also makes sure the criminals know WHO runs the jail. He did away with smoking in jail. Naturally, the prisoners are complaining, but as he pointed out...Jail should NOT be a place thats comfortable. If they want to have the freedom to smoke, don't break the laws and STAY OUT OF JAIL! Steve Bizzell has experience and has PROVEN he knows how to get things done and enforce our laws. He has made all of JOhnston County a better and safer place to live. Do Johnston County a favor and RE-ELECT Steve Bizzell Sheriff!!!
  10. Clif

    Clif Guest

    First off, I liked Mr. Bizzell and voted for him in the past.

    However, Jail is not necessarily a punishment. It is a place of holding after you've been accused. Just because you're in jail doesn't mean you've broken a law, it means you've been accused of breaking the law.

    If it's a case of mistaken identity, or false accusations, Mr. Bizzell has no right to take away my right to smoke. I had no idea that this was the case.

    Thanks for letting me know. I now know who NOT to vote for.
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Are you serious? You're gonna vote for the opponent because Bizzell has a No Smoking policy at the jailhouse?
  12. Fighting Camel

    Fighting Camel Well-Known Member

    I'v have not heard what the Sheriff's reasoning was for cutting out the smoking in jails, but many jails and prisons cut them off due to the excessive medical costs associated with smoking and particular second-hand smoke. Lawsuits have been brought by inmates because of the secondhand smoke issue. Now, I'm sure that a Sheriff or Jail Administrator might want everyone to think its because he/she is tough on inmates, but a lot is dictated by the health issue...that just doesn't play as good to the general population.

    FWIW, the Sheriff did have law enforcement experience before he became Sheriff..he had been a deputy back in the late 80s.
  13. Raven

    Raven Well-Known Member

    cleo wrote
    serious as a heart attack,no smoking,what's next,cutting the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches out :lol: :lol:
    good morning cleopatra,I know,better late than never
    good morning Screen Doors
  14. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Nah, probably not. He's too good in other ways.

    It does irk me, though. As long as tobacco is legal, I have the right to smoke if I so choose. I respect no-smoking areas, as well as just being a courteous smoker (ie, I don't smoke in a crowd, even if smoking is allowed such as at the fair. I don't throw my butts out the window while driving, nor throw them on the ground while walking).

    The point is, though, that smoking is a legal activity and therefore is my choice and right to partake. Anyone who decides to hamper those rights for no other reason than a "holier than thou" attitude gets a black mark in my book.
  15. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Laugh all you want. First it's cigarettes, next how about French Fries?

    At what point is someone who has your best interest at heart going to ban something you enjoy?
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Hey Raven!
  17. bubbajane

    bubbajane Guest

    It had NOTHING to do with health issues. Sheriff Bizzell eliminated smoking in the jail because of several fires set by inmates. No fires if there's no ignition....therefore, no smoking. He was watching out for the safety of EVERYONE in the building.
  18. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Apparently it didn't work.
  19. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

  20. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    *edited due to redundancy*

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