1 kid has it. Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps yesterday. Terrible stomach cramps today. Going around? :?
Mom from FL asked me about it and I said no, not yet here. BUT my mother said plenty of people are coming down with sore throat, upset stomach, headache, and nausea due to ocean red tide.
Oh great! My husband has been complaining of about his stomach today plus his nose is sore from blowing. He says if he were a girl he would say they felt like menstual cramps, although I don't think he knows what those feel like. If it is going around, can guarantee it will hit our house!
It hit him with no warning like a ton of bricks yesterday morning. He just woke up and said his stomach didn't feel good. Next thing I know he's in the bathroom calling Ralph. Today, the poor kid has been sounding like he's in labor -- the stomach pain comes in waves. :neutral:
My husband was fine this morning and he started feeling poorly around lunch time. He said he didn't know where it came from. Ugh...now is not the time for any of us to get sick!
Ya'll keep that mess to yourselves. I am just now completely getting over the crap I had before Christmas. :ack:
NO doubt, me too neither...hmmph. I have two more days or antibiotics and I better not get sick again for 10 more years.... it was the worst. :x
I'm with you on that one. Been sick off and on since November. Head and chest mainly but have run more water through the pipes than care to ever.
My two kids had it over the weekend. My two year old just kept holding his stomach and said "mommy hurt". My 6 year old started a couple of hours later. It only lasted 24 hours though and my dh and I haven't come down with it yet. Fingers crossed.:lol: