Our law firm's fall picnic is coming up and they want to do a tug-o-war. Where in the world would I get a rope that is big enough to act as a good tug-o-war rope?? I was thinking a Lowe's or Home Depot but I have no idea how thick the rope is that they sell. Anyone have any thoughts/suggestions?
8) No..I don't have the answer to your question but I am laughing!! Where's the picnic I'll send someone over to take pictures :lol:
The one thing I can only remember about tug of wars was the rope burn on my hands. If you guys do participate in the "Battle of the Network Stars" classic game, I would strongly suggest gloves. I would suggest a hardware store or maybe even Agri Supply in Garner or Tractor Supply in Selma. They may be cheaper.
If you still aint got no luck with them suggestion, might I add a marine supply store? You know... boats and mess.