This article on the strange things their pets have eaten about had me in stitches! Thought ya'll might get a kick out of it since many of us have "fur babies" The strangest thing my dear departed dog ate was a bunch of Hershey Kisses which necessitated the hydrogen peroxide treatment mentioned in the article since apparently she wasn't the only one. YUCK! :lol:
I had a beagle who ate 5 stud earrings. The vet had us force feed her two handfuls of cotton balls soaked in milk to wrap around the posts to prevent a punctured gut. Now that's fun! My friend's wife is a vet she removed 6 golf balls from a Golden Retriever, some had been in his gut so long the dimples were gone.
A few weeks ago we found the hind legs and tail of a squirrel in our fenced yard. We think one of our dogs had something to do with that. <yuck!>
We used to have a dog named "Fuzzy". When we'd take him out to the country, he'd sneak off and eat horse patties. Not so bad... except he would get car sick on the ride home. Then there was our cat, Taffee, who ate a garter snake... and launched its remains back up while in the kitchen. Again, not so bad, except it was doing that "Dead but still squirming" thing. Did I just succeed in going lower than anyone anticipated?
At about 3 months old, my golden retriever chewed up a tube of Icy/Hot (the muscle rub stuff) and ate the contents of the tube. I didn't find out until he vomitted all over the living room carpet. I couldn't believe the minty-fresh smell of the vomit, and for awhile I had no idea what he had gotten into, until I found the chewed-up tube. Fortunately, he vomitted enough of the stuff up that he did not get sick from it, and he didn't need any emergency treatment. My previous golden like to chew sticks, the bigger the better. Once she came out of the woods carrying a big stick, looking very proud of herself. Too proud, I thought. The stick was actually a deer leg. The next day, she came back with another leg. The day after that came the head attached to the skin from the back of the buck. She probably never understood why I took the ultimate chew toy away from her. OK, she never ate the deer, but it was kind of funny how she brought it home one piece at a time. Snuff
My first golden retriever ate: flip flop white decorative pebbles (they were covering the dirt in a planter) lead fishing weight container that a disposable contact lens came in heavy canvas work glove. Those are the things we know for sure. There is no telling what else she ate. She did have one strange but cute habit. At night she would get my son's little people (Fisher Price) and lay them around her bed. She never even chewed on those. Fortunately, our current golden only chews things up. She doesn't eat them.
My pits' like to eat CD's, DVD'S ,Cats, Sheet Rock, any type of ball, and last but not least, my house plants.
My little dog Muffin once ate two whole bags of peppermint patties,foil and all. I called the vet right away and she aked if she was vomitting. Since she was, she said that is was ok because she would have just induced it anyway. Muffin was fine but since she is only about 15 pounds that was a heck of a lot of chocolate for her and we were worried. Cleaning up the mess was nasty. I still can't take the smell of a peppermint patty. It takes me back to a memory I'd rather forget. ------- Just last week when I closed my bedroom door and left the house, I closed the dogs on the wrong side of it. They were stuck in my room for 6 hours. Lying on my bed eating and entire (big and $$) box of Lindt Truffles that I had bought someone for a Christmas present. Muffin and Peppercorns did not eat the holiday nougarts or the Soft old-fashioned peppermints. NOOOoo cheap stuff for them... THey had to eat the good candy. I had wrappers from one end of the room to the other but I am pretty sure they ate about half of the the pretty paper wrappers along with the chocolate. When I rounded the corner to the bathroom. ... One or both dogs had thrown up on the rug. It was more vomit then I had ever seen...even on a good, (bad?) night of drinking after eating Taco bell. How could too little dogs get that sick? I didn't bother with the vet. They are fine but I think the may need a therapist since they seem to be bullemic. ps I need a new blue bathroom rug for Christmas.
^^^LMAO My Golden/Laborador mix chews everything...everything. She's even chewed buried wire. Evidently, the current didn't bother her at all. Since she's gotten older, she doesn't chew the house anymore... Her very favorite treat is Altoids. I can shake the tin and get her attention from anything else. She'll come running and sit very pretty for her treat. Frogger
Good point about the retrievers...I thought my lab mutt was dumb (she's really smart, but plays dumb so that we have lower expectations...very manipulative for a dog...)...I had a retriever once who really liked crayons... I could always find the poop to scoop in the yard, because it was bright and multicolored!
We had a Corgi (God rest her soul) that somehow got the lid off a brand new jar of salsa and ate the whole jar of salsa. I mean licked every last drop out of it. Needless to say she had the squirts for a few days. My SIL's dog ate a rusty galvanized union (I believe it was for 1" pipe)that he dug up in her back yard. It had to be surgically removed.
...ahven't seen this item posted yet... My SILs dog ate a peice of saran wrap. Once they figured out what was hanging out of the dogs butt they pulled it the rest of the way out. :shock: pup is fine
When my dog was a puppy he ate a fishing hook lure with about 5 feet of fishing line that some dumb kid threw in my yard while fishing next to my house in a pond. It cost me alot of money to save that dog. Happy to say that he is doing fine and stays away from the pond.
My Jessie-girl (collie/chow mutt mixture) had a penchant for bras when she was young. I couldn't leave them lying around when I was undressing or changing clothes or they would disappear (and often reappear in smaller pieces around the house.) I guess people thought that I was being earthy by not wearing a bra sometimes... but really I just couldn't always find one that wasn't chewed up. Of course, it was a lot more embarrassing when I had overnight guests who lost their bras...
My dog Jimmy is the only one of the four pooches that can get into trouble with eating things...he's eaten 2 Time Warner Remotes - less the batteries by some miracle. (Yes, we put the up where he can't reach them, but I think the cat is in kahoots with him) Jimmy also ate a one-week old atomic travel alarm clock - thank God he spared the battery on it as well. I think Jimmy, if he were human, would be another Ken...he's got a thing for technology :lol:
LOL - that reminds me of an old roomates Alaskan Malamute - she was always freaking out cause he'd eat the crotch out of her undies...(I think he invented crotchless underware) You'ld think it would have taught her that the floor wasn't a good place to leave her least her underware...but then again, she may have liked the circulation of air which the dog helped to provide :lol: