
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DogsRule, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. DogsRule

    DogsRule Member

    Parents of Teenage Drivers!

    Parents with driving children!!!
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE enroll your kids! I have been to too many funerals this past year, and not one of the parents said "I knew this would happen". Save your child! It can happen to you! JOCO ranks neat the top in NC for teenage death due to MVA's. Keep it from being your loved one!
    District Attorney Susan Doyle has partnered with Johnston Community College to offer a new driving school to young drivers in Johnston County. StreetSafe is a comprehensive, hands-on program taught by first responders, law enforcement officers, fire personnel and judges who are all too familiar with the tragic results of unsafe teen driving. StreetSafe allows young drivers to witness and experience the consequences of improper motor vehicle operation, particularly in dangerous situations, but in a controlled environment. StreetSafe utilizes actual vehicles to give teens the chance to experience losing control of a car, teaches them safe stopping distances and the hazards of distractions. It also teaches the dangers of alcohol use while driving, the importance of seatbelt use and how much parental involvement can make a difference.

    District Attorney Susan Doyle stated, “With the high rate of teenage fatalities in Johnston County, I wanted to offer a driving school to young drivers that provided a more hands-on approach than just classroom instruction. StreetSafe is an excellent program that will equip the students with better tools when faced with dangerous situations on the road. I would like to thank Johnston Community College and StreetSafe for working together so we could offer this valuable program and hopefully make a difference in the lives of our young drivers.”

    The first StreetSafe driving school was offered at Johnston Community College on Saturday. The class will be offered once every month and the next driving school will be held at JCC on September 18 at 9:00am. If anyone is interested in this program in Johnston County, please register online. If anyone has questions about the StreetSafe program, please contact Doug Darrell, StreetSafe Founder at (910) 612-9030.

    Also saw this article, I will be going and getting one!
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010

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