Students, Staff Continue Relief Efforts

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    SMITHFIELD-- Efforts to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina
    continue in the Johnston County Schools:

    Micro-Pine Level Elementary School is collecting baby items to donate
    to the Oldies 107.9 radio station Hurricane Relief Effort.

    At McGee's Crossroads Elementary School, monetary gifts are being
    collected on behalf of the American Red Cross through September 12.
    Checks should be written to he Red Cross with "Victims of Hurricane
    Katrina" in the memo section.

    The Beta Club, Student Council, and Guidance office of Riverwood Middle
    School will sponsor a Penny War to assist with disaster relief from
    Hurricane Katrina. The project will take place Monday, September 12
    through Wednesday, September 14. The winner will be announced on
    Thursday, September 15. Students will contribute their change during
    lunch on those days. The winning grade level will receive an ice cream
    party. Pennies and paper money count towards a grade's total points;
    silver coins count against that grade's total. In 2004, Riverwood
    Middle School's Junior Beta Club raised nearly $3500.00 for disaster
    relief. This year's Penny War is expected to exceed that amount.

    Students at Cleveland Elementary School have launched the "Coins From
    Kids" campaign to raise funds for victims of Hurricane Katrina.
    Students discussed and generated many ideas of ways to help, but
    determined that everyone could contribute and be involved in this effort
    because every penny would count. The school-wide campaign will run
    through the month of September.

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