Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Anyone else here familiar with Citrix??????? Well, it bites, "bytes", is a peice of JUNK, and many, MANY other names and phrases...... The one who developed it, IMO, was a mother load shy of his/her entire brain.

    :oops: of course they probably got more money than me so I guess they ain't that stupid..:oops: LOL

    :banghead:I STILL HATE IT!!!!!:banghead:

    rant over
  2. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    My company uses Citrix a lot. We don't seem to have that many problems with it.

    Are you sure it's not an ID-10-T error? ;)
  3. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    We have 4000 Citrix users accessing applications through about 400 Citrix servers. It's pretty useful but it's not as snappy as locally installed software.
  4. H3xKing

    H3xKing Well-Known Member

    the citrix application tends to suffer a lot of pebkak errors

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