Subdivision Speed Limits

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by flutebandmom, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. flutebandmom

    flutebandmom Member

    For everyone driving so fast through the subdivisions - especially Southills - that all the signs are a blur, the POSTED SPEED LIMIT IS 25! It's bad enough during school when the kids are out standing at the bus stop but summer is here and school is out. Slow down so that you can see the kids out playing. Even the smart kids who know to stay on the side of the road are in danger because the drivers come down the road and around the curves so fast they are all over the road. Not bashing walkers but the ones who think they own the road (walk 2 - 3 wide) and aren't smart enough to move to the side for traffic are in real danger.

  2. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    It's funny how the same folks that blow through the rest of the subdivision at 40 slow down when they get to their immediate neighborhood- they're usually the same people that shoot you the stinkeye when you go past their house at 26 MPH.

    I live in a really small S/D -no state roads, no school buses, no HOA, no nuthin' (...good!)- but we still have this problem from time to time- it must be a lot worse in some of the monster S/Ds.

    Never drive faster than you can stop...
  3. rwilkerson

    rwilkerson Active Member

    Make sure they are state maintained roads. If not, those stop signs mean nothing and there is no speed limit. Just making sure you know the law. It MUST BE a state maintained road for the speed limit to be valid. If you live in a place where it's not state maintained you can petition the state to take over maintenance of that road.
  4. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    thats stupid, regardless of whats posted or not, if one is driving in a sub division with a lot of houses you shouldn't be exceeding 20-25 mph, and if you do God forbid one day you mow over a child because you lack common sense while driving in a neighborhood. Sorry but its pure stupidity to be hauling *** in a neighborhood, leave it on the highways not in the hoods.
  5. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    I agree, it's common sense to drive at 25 or below through a neighborhood. We're in White Oak Plantation and they really fly through there. Those roads are not maintained by the state, but it's getting ridiculous that so many disregard the safety of others.
  6. jtm

    jtm Well-Known Member

    Careless and reckless driving does apply on private roads, though. It's a little bit harder to prove that plain speeding, but if someone is driving "at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property", they can be cited (or even arrested) for careless and reckless driving.

    The statute...
  7. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member


    This thread is right on time. I went to a meting at Cleveland High Thur for drivers ed, and they stressed the importance of parents setting the example for our children. Then Thur. night Johnston Co. lost yet another teenager in a car wreck. Parents lead by example!! Our children observe our driving habits from a very young age. Sometimes it shouldn't take laws for adults to use common sense and not drive so fast in subdivisions where kids are playing.
  8. rwilkerson

    rwilkerson Active Member

    Are you talking to me or just people in general? I simply stated a fact. I don't do it. I write tickets to people who speed or drive recklessly. I'm merely pointing out a fact that unless it is a state maintained road, speed limits do not apply. Due regard (aka common sense) applies of you don't want a ticket for C&R.

    For the person quoting the statute, you cannot charge C&R on a private road. You can however charge C&R for a public vehicular area such as parking lots and subdivision streets.
  9. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    This is soooo true, so many of the kids in our neighborhood that are now driving totally disregard their driver's ed instruction and follow their parents patterns of driving and a few of them with grave consequences.
  10. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    the stinkeye...roflmao
  11. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Guess I am the B**** of the neighborhood because I have NO PROBLEM going outside and telling ppl to slow down. If mine did it I would tear him a new one. For real..:arrow: A girl in my neighborhood was scratching graffiti on our sign. I stopped and asked what the heck she was doing. She was a smart arz. I called the cops cause I really didnt want to get into it with a teen. Funny thing, she scratched HER NAME on the sign. The parents left with her before the cops came, and the speaker of the family swore they would make her clean it...she did nothing. Go figure. My kid would be waxing and painting that sign. Are you kidding me? Let me stop I feel my blood pressure rising.:arrow:cops did nothing either..oh well, if noone will hold her accountable..what can one do?
  12. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Totally, totally agree! My kids get in BIG trouble when they do something wrong. I've made all the neighbors aware if they do something, you MUST tell me otherwise I can not correct behavior. One neighbor came up and told me one of my sons was letting the dog out of the fence to play w/ our dogs on the leash. URGHH!!! I was beyond angry. Yet, I the parent took care of it and it did NOT happen again. Take responsibility for your own kids. I do. I thanked the guy very much for telling us.

    Thing is, many parents won't do that. They could care less what the kid does. I've seen it time and time again. Drives me bonkers. I could blame things that my kids do on their brain disorders & them not knowing right from wrong & having no cause and effect thinking. It's true, they don't due to neurological disorders & permanent brain damage. But do I use that as a crutch for them to get away w/ stuff?! NOT....ON....YOUR....LIFE! Yet, some parents will use every line in the book if I approach on a subject. Are you kidding me?! If the kid does something wrong, let them know, punish them how you see fit and correct the behavior. Bet you any money you'll see that girl's name on another sign in your neighborhood. It's sad. Parents when we were growing up would tell other people's kid if they did something wrong. Everyone seems afraid nowadays. Crazy.
  13. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    No respect

    The kids nowadays have no respect for their elders. I stopped a kid 3 or 4 years ago in a subdivision I used to live in and told him he needed to slow down. He had the nerve to turn around and come back to me and tell me he was going the speed limit. In my day I would just say yes sir and not let that adult see me going fast again. Now you don't know which ones will pop a cap in you.
  14. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    it's not just kids unfortunately. most of the speeding in my neighborhood (posted 25mph) is done by adults who should know better but don't give a ....
    i'm the d*** of my neighborhood, as i have no problem hollering at people when they go by, or even following them to their house and letting them know this ain't no dragstrip.

    and good luck with enforcement. when we first moved in here, there were no speed limit signs. state roads, with a state road number, unmarked in the county = 55mph. that's what the speed limit was in our neighborhood with one entrance/exit and 100 houses. kinda hard to complain if people are actually NOT SPEEDING. i called DOT. they said "what would you like it to be?" and i said "i don't know, 35 or whatever is appropriate for a neighborhood with 100 houses and one entrance/exit." they came out and put up the 25mph signs.

    solved, right? HA. some people got the picture, many others have totally ignored it for years and years including people who have moved in since the signs were put up, meaning they have always been there to them. so who do you call for enforcement? we're wake county, so i call the sheriff. they say "oh, that's a highway patrol matter, we don't do speed enforcement". so i call the HP, they say "oh, that's a neighborhood in the county, we don't do those. call the sheriff"...
  15. flutebandmom

    flutebandmom Member

    Dangerboy is correct. The worse offenders are the adults, especially mornings. I constantly worry the children at the bus stops, especially the intersection of Keri Drive and Zachary/Kasey Dee (all state maintained roads with a posted speed limit of 25). Cars fly down the hill from both sides on Keri Drive. Cars approaching on Zachary rarely make a full stop at the stop sign so they aren't going to see the bullets coming down the hills. And right in the intersection is the universal bus stop because Johnston County is too cheap to make stops at driveways. The high schoolers are in the worse danger because they are at the bus stop in the dark.

    Again, not bashing walkers but use some common sense people. If you are walking 2 or 3 wide, all on the pavement, use your head and move to the side of the road! Flying bullets can't see you in time to stop and cars driving the speed limit can't safely make it around you and dodging the bullets.
  16. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It isn't just the subdivisions. The speed limit is 45 by my house. If half the soccer mommies from RW are going that slow I'd kiss someone's ***. Getting my mail is an adventure. I have had one too many encounters with some idiot on a cell phone speeding and cutting it too close in the curve.

    DH just recently moved the box, so at least my back isn't to them anymore. :banghead:

    DH and I have a bet going on which one of us will get creamed first pulling out. You look and listen, but by the time you get out, someone is on top of you.

    They'd be the first ones to come running screaming if I dared go 26 in their precious S/D with little Susie or Jr playing in the road. :nopity:
  17. flutebandmom

    flutebandmom Member

    Actually they're probably the same ones going 45 in the subdivisions.
  18. rwilkerson

    rwilkerson Active Member

    Then you talked to the wrong person with HP because they do that all the time. The Troopers get a written complaint made by you for instance, and they are to patrol those areas and report back how many times they did, for how long and what kind of enforcement action was taken, if any.
  19. BossRotton

    BossRotton Well-Known Member

    and 45 in Wal-Mart parking lots
  20. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Good idea. Written, formal complaint. I've been hoarse for over year... ******** can't hear me when I holler at them.

    Maybe all my complaining is why my voice is leaving me. ppbbt

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