We've had SunRocket VOIP for about a year and have not had any problems ... until this week. Our phone has not been working properly since Monday. In-coming calls some times get a busy signal and other times ring through but we cannot hear them when we pick up. We get dial tone but after we dial it sounds like a dead line. Voicemail seems to be down system wide. We are not receiving an e-mail response from customer service. Today when I called a message said they are no longer taking customer or sales calls. Did they get to many calls about the problems so just stopped answering them OR has the company gone under???? Anyone else have SunRocket and having the same problems?
Found this via a web search .... guess we need a new phone company. They could have at least notified us!!:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: ==================== from today's New York Times "Earlier this week, Internet phone carrier SunRocket Inc. abruptly shut down, leaving more than 200,000 customers scrambling for alternate service"
Okay folks ... I need some suggestions for VOIP and unlimited (a.k.a low cost)cell phone plans. We are trying to decide if we will go with another VOIP or get rid of a land line altogether.
Went with ViaTalk. They are outside the patent frey and are offering up to 3 months free if you were left High and Dry.
We considered ViaTalk. They did some smart marketing to grab SunRocket customers. We are working on getting connected with at&t callvantage. My husband works for at&t and we can't turn down the discount they offer employees Hope to have a phone again by early next week. I am so thankful to have e-mail!!
Geez ... at&t said it will be up to 10 days to see if they can port our number. We need to find out if they can at least issue a temp. number. Checking out viatalk right now. Waiting <forever> to chat with someone to get some questions answered. Based on info. from their blog it appears viatalk has been overwhelmed with ex-SR customers and is struggling to meet the equipment and manpower needs. I'm planning to ask what time delay can be expected.
My husband does not want to go with Vontage given their court issues with Verizon... http://news.com.com/2100-1036_3-6178783.html at&t is our best bet given his employee discount BUT waiting possibly another week and a half for a phone is not making us happy. After 20+ min., I'm giving up on viatalks on-line customer service chat. Anyone know if they require a specific contract period and what their activation and other fees are? Also, do they issue a temp number while waiting to port the old number? Have you been able to port your number?
My husband was just reading an e-mail with the same info. SunRocket didn't send us this e-mail until Saturday .... our phone stopped working a week ago Monday without ANY warning! :evil: We didn't even know they were out of business until Thursday! My husband called that Monday and was told they were working on the problem and our phone would be restored within 72 hours. As of Thursday last week they had nothing on their web site to inform customers what was going on. Based on the New York Times article ... they shut the doors Monday. I'm hesitant to take suggestions from a company that operates the way SunRocket did! They should have given customers at least some notice and offer the suggestions they are now offering. ..if nothing else at least the day the ceased to offer service (that was prepaid!) I feel for small businesses who used SR. Such an abrupt end to service probably hurt some of their business.
It appears SunRocket has sold their customers and equipment OR is reorganizing under the name of TeleBlend. TeleBlend launched VOIP service Friday ...just for SunRocket customers. They are one of the two companies suggested in the e-mail we got Sat. from SunRocket. Reading the Teleblend FAQ, they are very vague in answering questions that have been asked. Funny, it says they have 200,000 customers which is the exacted number the New York Times reported SunRocket had. The good news is they are working to get the SunRocket system up and running. We've had intermittent service and were able to use the phone 3 times in the last 12 hours. There is still no voicemail but network status info. on the Teleblend web page states they are working on that. Hopefully that will continue so we have some phone service until the equipment arrives from at&t CallVantage.