So....that would put it somewhere behind Shooters, right? Do I have that correct? Cleveland Crossing Drive is the street the hotels (Quality Inn, Super 8, Holiday Inn Express) are on. If it is 3/10 of a mile east of that on the 42 WEST side, then that would put it behind Shooters.
Just got done looking at the tax cards and it looks like it is going to be like behind Lowes going up 42 towards cornwallis.. on the right
Just looked it up on the tax map ...the land is next to Lowes Hardware with road frontage on 42. Bascially between Lowes and the dog grooming place <not sure if it includes the dog grooming property>. Look it up youself at ... click GIS and Mapclick ... search by tax number provided in prior e-mail.
So do ya'll think this will be good or not? Will this increase our property value or are we screwed? (just like usual) :roll:
I'm wondering what changes they will make to 42 from Conrwalis to hwy 40. The current road certainly could not sustain that kind of traffic.
Site plan and map of location of Super WalMart More information such as a site plan and diagram of location can be found at
Thanks for shopping Mall Wart.....have a nice day! Knightdale has been fighting the construction of one there off of hwy64 near the Lowes food store. If they build the one on 42, does that mean they'll shut the one on hwy 70 down? yippeeeee!!!!!!!! I really think we need to consume all small businesses and assimilate them into these huge corporate black holes. Then we all get to wear smily faces and speak Mart-Wart!!!! There should be no individualism allowed! Death to community idenity!!!
Correct URL Something is going on with trying to post the correct url. You can go to and then search under space available and look for East Park Plaza.
I think this is the same planning meeting that they will discuss the 250 homes going in behind my subdivision, right up the road.
did anyone catch the part where it showed on the map the proposel of making nc 42 in that area a five lane? - or is it already in spots?
It looks like it's located right at the point where NC 42 goes from 5 lanes (including the center lane) down to 2 lanes. I'm sure they'll just extend that a few hundred feet, and then it will go back down to 2 lanes just east of the Wal Mart shopping center. I'm sure that will be sufficient for the additional traffic. After all, the Fuquay Wal-Mart is served by a 2-lane road.
anyone else notice how close to the 100 yr flood plan line the parking lot runs? Talk about changing the water dynamics! So much rain that is normally absorbed will be run off into the streams. And we've all seen how high the water level gets at the bridge on 42 between Cornwallis and Lowes. Not to mention down stream pollution.
Oh come on, Hatteras!!! warming...climate change...urban sprawl...depletion of natural resources....give us a break!!! We WANT our cheap plastic CRAP from Mall Wart!!! I don't want to have to consider conservation or natural environments, eco-systems or other such nuisances!! I have a god given right to waste resources, pollute the earth, over populate, consume mass quantities of disposable junk if I want to!!! The world is MY oyster and I'll eat it anyway I choose.
Code doesn't allow massive run off any more. That's why there is 2 detention basins on the plan, that equal almost 50,000 square feet of space.