there is a chicken/barbeque plate cook out at OPC its the church by DR Wells and across from Grand street plaza. The time will be 11-3 give or take 30 min. Pack 33 will be appreciative of your support and you will get a good meal. Thank you all Saturday Nov 15-08
Oakland Presbyterian Church + Cub Scouts = that is a Win Win!!! Mmmmmmmmm!!! We will be there! :hurray:
food? where did they get the bbq? It was delicious! It wasn't eastern or western nc style...not too vinegary (is that a word) and not real sweet. If you know where they got it, or if someone cooked it what the recipe is...are you willing to share?
We got the BBQ from Pine Ridge Foods in Micro (parent connection). They do everyting there...Pigs come in on a truck, etc. You should try their ribs. :hurray: I'm not sure if they sale to the public or not but you could give them a call. I know they used to be the supplier for White Swan.