Suspension of WIC Voucher Issuance

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Webmaster, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Smithfield, NC – Effective October 9, 2013, as a result of the federal shutdown and as directed by the NC Department of Health and Human Services and the Nutrition Services Branch of the Division of Public Health, WIC (Women, Infants and Children) voucher issuance is discontinued for all WIC participants until further notice.

    The WIC program will be implementing a waiting list for all participants. Participants with food instruments or vouchers that have not yet expired may continue to use them at their local WIC vendors. All other WIC services, including nutrition education, breastfeeding education, counseling, and support, and eligibility determinations will continue.

    Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Johnston County Public Health Department at (919)989-5200.
  2. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

  3. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Look I know people personally who have to take WIC while they are back in school trying to better themselves. They did not ask to be laid off. They don't want to be laid off. They are just people like you and I, who are trying to better themselves. And the people I know use it just to help pay for essentials and once they graduate and start working in their new careers they won't need programs like WIC. Why does the Republicans want to pull the rug out from people who are trying to better their situations. It's because Republicans are just mean rotten spiteful people, who only care about themselves. And when I talk about Republicans I am talking about the Republican Legislators and not the every day Joe Republican. I actually know a few Republicans who are back in school trying to better themselves as well. Isn't the point of being an American to want the American dream. It's one thing to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps but sometimes a person could use a little help pulling themselves up.
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting webbie. So sad.

  5. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    Great. Keep blaming Republicans because as we all know its never ever the Democrats fault. In reality who made the decision to pull the plug on that one because as we know there are still functioning parts of gov working and money going out. It's quite easy when one blames it all on the others.

    I think you've shown that you're the typical democrat that points fingers one direction here lately.
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Whether you like it or not, Wulf is associated with the Republicans, just as the Tea Party is, and when cold hearted respoces such as Wulf's are thrown out there, you all get tarred, just as a liberals do with the Occupy movement.
  7. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

  8. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Tell Odumbo to stop raising my healthcare costs and I'll support WIC like I always have. Enough is enough. I shouldn't be punished for being successful just like the poor shouldn't have WIC taken away (even though there's a ton of waste).
  9. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    C me Now BMM & CanisLupis I just hope and pray that neither of you ever fall on hard times. Cause you are both damned to hell.

    I have been fighting to recover from what polices you both seam to enjoy enforcing on the down troden.

    Go ahead I dare you. I double dare you, I triple dog dare you to quote this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2013
  10. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Oh please. Big gubmint has been killing business not Conservatives. If you can't get a good job it's either job killing policies from the left or a result of your own choices.
  11. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    Look dude don't take a run at me on this, my issue is with you solely blaming the republicans when it isn't all on the republicans,your party has as many to blame and you sure make it a point to pin it all on republicans.

    I'm not ripping on the poor ok. Trust me I've been down the road, although its been many a years ago, I struggled mightily but I persevered did what I had too and worked my *** off to be where I am today. Comparative to now my food source back than was slim and quite bland, I had no luxuries in anything other than waking up day in and day out healthy and determined. I can also assure you I'm not damned to hell either. Wow. The triple dog dare,, that's some serious stuff right there.
    You keep blaming your troubles on the policies of others , I'm here to tell ya sorry to say it'll be hard for you to better yourself.
  12. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Canis responding with a "good" brought about the same reaction from me but I decided not to put my feelings on here because well I just couldn't.

    All in all we are all in some serious trouble in America. We need to help one another and support each other more so now than we have in my lifetime. It's a horrible time to cut programs for those in need as so many are trying to pull themselves out of the financial crisis. I know people who are really, really trying and on the brink of being able to support themselves again plus pay off past debt.

    Walk a mile in another person's shoes before passing judgement. If people need to vent then let them vent.

  13. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Define exactly what the American Dream is? Our Chinese Overlords are asking when they will get paid!

    WIC is abused plain and simple! Beans and Rice, Rice and Beans that will help you out not Betty Crocker cake mixes and frosting by the dozens.
  14. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    I could offer a few pointed comments here.... instead I will just tell ya.....

    Bless your heart! It will get better.
  15. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    That's because you are a bleeding heart liberal whose policies have helped make people poorer and keep poor people dependent on things like WIC. That is what I want stopped.

    Conveniently you and the other libs will skim over the part I wrote about always supporting WIC.

    I've been saying for years that taking away things is sometimes the best way to lift people up. Cutting out the waste will go a long way towards that reality.

    Everyone has a story. I worked my way through college and drove a POS car for years. I lived with my parents so I could go to school. Meanwhile I had friends who had their own apartments and what was then deemed a nice car.....all because they were working in a mill. Big deal. I was more concerned about my future instead of the things once thought as being cool at age 21.

    So while I was laughed at for driving a wreck for a car and living with mommy/daddy....I was paving the road for my future. Now those same friends are driving POS old with their parents (along now with their kids) and wanting me to give them a job. Sometimes those that prioritize life come out on the better end without having to blame others.

    Like I said...everyone has a story.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2013
  16. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I think it’s obvious that this struck a nerve with Rocky, but he has historically been one of the most neutral and non-combative members on this board. He’s good people and I respect him for that. I think others do too.

    Rocky, I don’t think what you are seeing is not actually a WIC bashing, I think it is more of a culmination of policies, taxes and government that is seemingly being shoved down our throats. I think we are hitting a breaking point and it is beginning to manifest itself with a "screw everybody" attitude.

    I have a good job and make a good salary, no one gave it to me, I worked my butt off to get where I am. No one has even given me anything and I have never asked. When all I could afford was the 25 cent mac and cheese 5 nights a week, thats what I ate. Now, when I get my check and see the take home pay is only 51% of my gross pay its tough to take. Those of us who are willing to take responsibility must pay for our own medical insurance and care, fund our retirements, pay for college, pay our entire food bill, pay for our own gas, utilities, cell phones and everything else we do. Our children don’t qualify for college grants, we don’t get tax credits, we’re asked to contribute to this and that at every turn, and the list goes on.

    Most of us accept the things I listed, including WIC. Most of us are willing and happy to help those who are less fortunate. Helping those who need it actually makes most good people feel better about themselves, yes even republicans. But in the current state of government, it is standard operating procedure to dismiss taking responsibility for our own lives. Quite honestly, I feel like it is being thrown back at my face every time I go out and see these people flaunting their government funded lifestyles while I go to work. It starts at the top. We have no leadership at a time when it is badly needed. Anyone who thinks we can continue down this path without going bankrupt is fooling themselves. The country is divided more than any time I can remember in my 50 years. Frankly, if this shutdown becomes Obama’s legacy, we’ll be better off than letting him continue to destroy us.

    I promise you, no one wants to stop helping those who are in need.
  17. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I didn't skip over where you talked about always supporting WIC. Your first comment was "good". People are hurting right now and, yes, our country is divided. To make a blanket statement of "good" to cutting out WIC just was cold blooded, in my opinion. We may not agree on politics but by golly if we cannot agree that people need help right now and not all people are greedy, blood sucking people then we might as well never discuss anything.

    Give it a break on some stuff. You are right that we all have stories but that does not mean we can not pull together to help one another.

  18. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    no whats cold blooded is your incompetent admin allowing and promoting an illegal immigration rally but pushing back our Vets.. thats cold blooded and disgusting.. and this stupid derelict of a President throwing these fallen heroes and their families out like trash is disgusting... this is on this idiot of a President we have.. it's his all the way.. one stroke of a pen and these families are taken care of.. no one elses but his... I sure the hell hope you still don't support this idiot.. because if you do.. your own Father should consider disowning you for showing support to an idiot who chooses to play games with fallen heroes

    Obama sucks!!!!!!!!
  19. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Obviously you haven't been able to follow along.
  20. TVfan

    TVfan Active Member

    I think some folks are getting food stamps and WIC confused. WIC is only for pregnant and nursing mothers and children from birth to 5 years old. It is to insure a child's nutrition needs are met. The vouchers state specifically what can be bought. It is just milk, eggs, cereal, juice and bread and beans or peanut butter for kids over one and formula and baby food for kids under age one.
    I know all this because I am a foster parent and this affects all of the kids we have in foster care under 5 yrs of age. I do agree though that the regular food stamp program needs to have some changes and they should have investigators just like insurance companies to look out for fraud.

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