Taking Down Flags at West Johnston High

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by bballdad, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. bballdad

    bballdad Guest

    I sit and watch the ROTC take the flags down every day. Could someone please let me know why they would take down the American Flag first of the three flag poles instead of last. I have always heard that no flag ever flys higher than the American Flag. That would mean that the West Johnston flag should come down first, then the North Carolina flag and then the American Flag. Is there something that the ROTC does different in their ceremonies? Could someone please answer that question to ease my mind.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2008
  2. OutdoorPlay

    OutdoorPlay Well-Known Member

    You're correct. The American flag should go up first before any of the other flags, and then lowered last after all the other flags have been lowered. Sounds like ROTC hadn't quite got that word around to them yet.
  3. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    To the best of my knowledge they are doing it incorrectly. The only time that I know of when it is lowered before other flags is when it's lowered to half staff.
  4. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Side note: When you fly the US Flag at 1/2 staff, you raise the flag to the top then lower it.

    Correct, US flag goes Up first, Down last when flown with other flags.
  5. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Why not call the school and ask to speak to the ROTC instructors. They'll correct it quick, fast, and in a hurry.
  6. arkpals2u

    arkpals2u Well-Known Member

    You've got me curious now.My son was in WJ ROTC for 4 years and often put up or took down flags. It could be that freshman are taking them down and just do not understand there is a certain way to do it. I will have to message my son and ask what order he was told to do it and why if the amercan flag was not first. He is now a recruit at Norwich University and I am now curious if they do it different than he did at West. I'll letyou know if he has an answer!
  7. arkpals2u

    arkpals2u Well-Known Member

    According to my son- you take the american flag down first because it takes presidence (sp?) or in other words is more important over the others. So taking it down last would actually be a sign of disrepect.
  8. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    is he going Cav? I know that historically, Norwich provided a significant percentage of officers into the Armor and Cavalry. Old saying, "If you ain't Cav, you ain't ....."
  9. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    With all due respect, your son is wrong.

    According to Title 4, Chapter 1 (the US Flag Code) Section 7, subsection f:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2008
  10. arkpals2u

    arkpals2u Well-Known Member

    He is in Cav company at Norwich and plans to commission air assault upon graduation. It's been a tough first 2 months there. They really isolate the rooks but he loves it.

    No disrespect taken. He only responded to my question as to why ROTC does it that way. I assume thats howthe instructors taught them He did end his response to me with the phrase "go figure" so I assume it didn't make sense to him either, but he does as he's told.

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