Taking Place of Textbooks in Elementary Grades

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Science Kits, Hands-on Activities Taking Place of Textbooks inElementary Grades

    SMITHFIELD-- Armed with the knowledge that science is an active,
    problem-solving subject that students understand better through hands-on
    activities, elementary science teachers in the Johnston County Schools
    are using kits this year to actually teach the subject. Johnston County
    Schools instructors studied possible texts and found that most did not
    cover more than 80% of the curriculum, so they overwhelmingly voted to
    opt for the hands-on approach to teaching science this year.

    Appropriate supplementary materials will be used to enhance the
    curriculum, but less time will be spent in the textbook, according to
    Cary Lane Cockrell, Director of Elementary Curriculum.

    "The only way to truly teach the content is through a hands-on
    approach," said Cockrell. "Traditionally, students who use only
    science books are not as likely to take upper level science classes in
    high school. They state that science is boring, hard, and
    uninteresting. With the kits, students will not only have fun but will
    learn a great deal also."

    The kits will be rotated each nine weeks between teachers in the same
    grade level.

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