Tankless Water Heater Recommendations

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by UNCHEELS, Oct 16, 2015.


    UNCHEELS Well-Known Member

    I am looking for recommendations for a company to install a tankless hot water heater. We have electric now so installation would include converting to propane.
  2. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    I got mine from Mike Denning. Dixie Denning in Benson. They sell the heater and have a plumber friend who installs it. The year I got mine there were rebates from the government and NC LP gas Assoc. Mine was nearly free after 3 rebates.
  3. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member


    Spend $5000 to save............how much on your power and water bill?

    If you're going to stay in your house 30 years 100% guaranteed, or you have 5 grand to burn on a new toy, go for it! Or, just buy an $800 regular heater every 15 years and spend $15 more a month on power
  4. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    it won't but 1500$ installed. Plus, the time I did mine, I got 3 rebates. You never run out of hot water. My inlaws spent 8 - 10 thousand $ once upon a time. Not like that now!
  5. Judge Smails

    Judge Smails Well-Known Member

  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  7. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    It's funny this should come up now, we are upgrading our propane to include our grill and future tankless water heater. Rinnai is the heater we keep coming back too. As for the cost the most expensive quote we received was 2200.00 installed.
    I wanted to ask Cynadon, since you have and it's sounds like you have had it a few years now - how did it work for you the past couple of winters? We have read that if the in coming water is below a certain temp you will loose water pressure so that the heater can provide the desired temp water. Any personal experience feed back would be appreciated.
  8. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    I have never noticed a loss of pressure. I have a well so my water temp is probably around 65. Rinnai is the brand I have. I would certainly get another if I had to. Endless hot water and it cost nothing to operate if you're not home.
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    A woman who works for me got one for their house. It adjusts to specific temperatures so when they use the shower they only turn the hot water on and set the thermostat to the preferred temperature for each person. They love it so much I have been looking at going with one when our heater goes down.

    UNCHEELS Well-Known Member

    Hught, who installed your electric one?
  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I live outside Fayetteville and I could not recommend our contractor (based on other work).
  12. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I have a Noritz NR83-DVC-LP Tankless Water Heater, cost me about $1100, and I installed it myself, paid a friend $150 to hook up the gas line since I don't touch that stuff.

    Electric bill went down about $30-40 a month.
  13. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info.

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