Tea Rooms

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by VivianS, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Has anyone been to Paint It Red? If so what are your thoughts/opinions? Also is there a Main Street Cafe in Clayton? I did a Google search and didn't find anything. My mom will be visiting and wants to take the girls out to tea is why I ask. :)
  2. JellyBean

    JellyBean Well-Known Member

    The one in Clayton is the Pink Teacup. Food is great...chix salad croissant, any of the desserts and the teas are amazing. IMHO

    Have fun!
  3. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Pink Teacup is closed and for sale.
  4. mom24

    mom24 Well-Known Member

    There used to be an awesome tea room in Fuquay. I'm not sure if it is still there or not but it was in downtown Fuquay. It may have even been simply called "The Tea Room".
  5. mom24

    mom24 Well-Known Member

    It is the Gold Leaf Tea Room 105 S. Main Street FV 567-9561. You go straight down 42 and take a right on 55Hwy then a left on 401 which will turn into Main Street.
  6. smallone

    smallone Well-Known Member

    The Tea Room in Fuquay is Closed.
  7. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    I guess tea rooms aren't big around here since they are all closed! :(
    While at the Clayton Library, I picked up a flier for Paint It Red, just off Main St., behind the Four Oaks Bank. It seems to be more of a coffee shop than a tea room. I tried calling, but alas they closed at 3:30. Anyone know more about this place?
  8. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Here's my experience of Paint it Red.

    My girlfriend and I were looking for somewhere that we could go, take our kids (both right about 2 yrs old), enjoy a cup of coffee and let them play.
    That's what this place is supposed to be. They advertise a "playroom", which is really a closed in porch, with no seating (literally there were two student type chairs). The coffee room is a coffee bar that has a few tables and a tv, which is fine, but you can't see your kids from the coffee room if they are in said playroom.

    Also, the day we went, the owner had brought her own kids in, which I guess is her perogative, but she was in the coffee room, while we attempted to hand out in the playroom with our two kids. I didn't go there to watch her children, or to referee her kids and mine. The toys obviously belonged to her kids and they made it pretty clear.

    Now, I'm not knocking her or her children. I'm sure it's nice to work where you can bring your kids, but the atmosphere is not what she advertised and not somewhere I'd go again with my little one.
  9. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Thanks for sharing your experience! Sorry it was not a pleasant one. I don't think this is the type of place we are looking for. If I was going w/o kids it seems it would be alright though.
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Dang Jen, that reminds me of Chic-fil-a. I always feel like an unpaid employee when I set foot in their playroom. But, I usually complain and get free stuff out of the deal... So, I work for chic-fil-a, not for the restaurant - but for the food.
  11. seabee

    seabee Guest

    These parents have it made drop them off at target and or chick-fil-a do some shopping or drinking.
  12. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

    Pink Tea Cup from what I understand has been purchased and is now Main Street Cafe and Tea Room and is open for business. I'm gonna try it out in the next couple weeks.
  13. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    I would love to hear about your experience there if you go before the end of the month, (that is when we are planning on going). :)
  14. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    there is still a forsale sign on it as of yesterday :(

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