Tears of a clown. Ronald McD under fire!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Jester, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member


    Now, McDonalds is not one of my favorite places to eat. Actually, it ranks pretty low, however I must say that this seems sort of stupid. Why do health advocates feel that Ronald encourages obesity? Fast-food, in general does that by itself. I guess the Burger King is next. Why is a clown equated to being fat? Most clowns seem to be in good shape. :)

    Here's what I would do if I were McD execs. I'd create a healthy & happy meal to promote nutritious eating. Offer the meal with a leafy green salad with lean chicken, tomatoes and a bit of cheese. Offer two different types of fruit cups and either milk or bottled water. On the bottom of the salad container, place a voucher that can be returned to the counter for a small pack of of McDonaldland cookies. You're promoting healthier eating with a special treat when their meal is finished.

    Kids do not go to McDs by themselves to see a plastic Ronald sitting on a bench. It's parental convenience that gets them there. It's the drive-thru, the playplace, the quick meals, etc. Give parents better choices that don't break the bank.
  2. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

  3. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Actually they already pretty much do the "healthy choice"

    offering on their menu. Its just another group trying to start issues and making life hard for some. After all, that group doesn't have to go there OR take their kids there to eat if they don't wanna -- so leave ol' Ronald Alone!

    Gosh forbid, I bet they'd hop right into the chance of a no cost stay @ a Ronald MacDonald House if needed while a family member youngster was in the hospital (which definately I'm not trying to put any juju on anyone by stating that but still....)
  4. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    One of the people in the article said that "targeting to children is unethical, and I do not think it is the right thing to do"

    and another person in the article said:
    "if you want to boycott Ronald you might as well boycott everybody" And he is so correct. You would have to get rid of Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Count Chocula, Frankenberry. Barbie, Chuck E Cheese.....and the list goes on and on.

    Ad agencies have been marketing to kids since well before I was even born (1958). Heck walk down any cereal and candy Aisle in any supermarket. Heck they been doing market research on supermarket design for decades. Heck if you want to get rid of Ronald for child hood obesity, Then get rid of Barbie and kiddie beauty pageants for promoting anorexia bulimia and unrealistic body stats.

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