Teen driver insurance rates...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 2not2, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    For those of you that have recently added a teen driver to your policy...how much did your rate go up and on what type of vehicle?

    I just called to get a quote to add a 2nd vehicle and my rate doubled; that's with 3 drivers and 2 cars, so I don't even have to add my son as the primary driver on either vehicle.
  2. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I was told a few months ago it would cost us $475 every 6 months for EACH child. We have 3 driving age. Currently, none are driving. They've taken the course and passed and such. Dreading it. Really am. We're with State Farm. Would love to hear some other rates folks are being quoted.

    Stephanie-- mom to 10
  3. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    My 16 year old insurance raised our rate $130 a month. He pays half which makes it not so bad.
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I'm not in the ins business, but I've had 2 teenage drivers, thankfully we're past that now, and our rate has returned to normal! :lol:

    It's pretty standard across the board with all insurance providers that your rate doubles until they're considered an experienced driver, and that takes 3 yrs. And that's at any age - so if you're 30 yrs old, getting your license for the first time, you're considered an inexperienced driver.

    We've been with Farm Bureau for probably 15 yrs - we did check around when our teens got their license, and they were still the cheapest.

    as far as the type of vehicles - they both drove older cars, that had airbags. DD had a 98 mustang, which some people said 'oh, that'll make ur ins higher' but it didn't, it depends on stuff like the type of engine etc that the cars has. also the cars were cheap enough that we didn't have to finance them, so probably only carried liability on them.

    One thing to certainly consider when having teen drivers, and them driving w/ other teens in the car - if they were to wreck and kill or cause severe harm to someone else in the car, you could get sued. Some ins suggest getting like a million dollar umbrella to cover stuff like that. Or, putting them on their own policy - but thats higher too.

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2012
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Call the squirrel . . . he can save you $. He just saved me quite a bit on auto insurance.

    Squirrel = polentardmafia
  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I agree you should call the squirrel.

    My insurance did not go up much until my wonderful all knowing teenager decided the speed limit on 40 did not mean anything. If I did not bundle our insurance it would be more than a mortgage payment per month. She pays her own car insurance and I pay half her car payment.

    Maybe my all knowing teen who thinks the speed limit is for others will learn her darn lesson by paying her own car insurance. I am the big bad mom who does not remember what it was like being a teen. I told her I obeyed the speed limit because my dad would have been harsher than I was.

    Poor thing,
  7. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I hope you talked to him about bundling with home owners insurance for your new home. You get a discount that way too. Farm Bureau rates for homeowners insurance was almost 1/2 what Nationwide was charging me, and I got better coverage!

    Love the squirrel!!

  8. Crockadoodledoo

    Crockadoodledoo Well-Known Member

    Farm Bureau saved me over $1,300 per year compared to State Farm. (4 cars & 4 drivers and one was 16)
  9. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    This and other good info here:

    Are your teens driving to the beach, amusement park or the mall? Know that for 16- and 17-year-old drivers, the risk of being in a fatal crash increases when there are young passengers in the car. In fact, the risk quadruples when carrying 3 or more passengers under the age of 21.
  10. 4ME2KNOW

    4ME2KNOW Well-Known Member

    We have business policies for our vehicles and didn't want to add our teen to those policies so we opened a new policy with Geico and listed my husband, myself and our teen with higher than required limits (100K/300K and 50K property) for only $45 /month. It's an older small SUV ...1996 I think, so we only have liability insurance on it but I thought it was going to be higher.

    Also, a friend shared this with me and I think it's a great idea to have all teens sign a contract like this..... http://lysaterkeurst.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/TerKeurstTeenDriverContract.pdf

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