Teenagers Roaming the Stores

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jen-jen, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. jen-jen

    jen-jen Member

    :x Last night was @ Target around 8:45 pm. I never seen so many young kids roaming the store. Running around like total Jackasses. They need to set a curfew, like they did in Durham and certain places in Raleigh. The store was so busy and these kids are running around.:hurray::idea:
  2. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Where were their parents?
  3. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    Which Target was this?
  4. B&L'SMoM

    B&L'SMoM Guest

    I was there too,around the same time.It was target at white oak.It was alittle crazy you could not even shop.They are running around,Talking very loud.As far as i could see there was no parents in sight.It was just a group of kids from ages 15- to 18.:?
  5. Ecugyrl

    Ecugyrl Well-Known Member

    I was at Walmart last night and I noticed the same thing....they were all over the store...cursing, talking loud and they were not buying anything...first time I had noticed it being this bad...and it was later in the evening.
  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    While I do not agree with loud talking and cursing I must state that my teen does go to Target and other stores in that area just to hang out. She and other girls go, try on clothes, sit in chairs and act crazy while taking pictures. I have seen the pictures and they are funny. They will dress up like the manikin and then stand next to it and take pictures. They do not do this often and they do hang the clothes back up.

    While teens have homes to visit, movies and all I do think sometimes they just want to act....um...stupid. Mine was not at Target or WalMart last night as mine is not allowed to do these stupid things at night. It is usually on a Saturday that a couple of them will go and try on a boa or do other silly things.

    Just another opinion,

    P.S. I do know some teens who have filled shopping baskets up in a store and then just left the basket for an employee to have to put the items back up. This to me is not funny. I have actually spoken to several about this type of behavior, with the approval of the parents. My neighbor works at one of these stores putting items back up and sees the tapes as well so we are on top of this in our home.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  7. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    my girls did the same thing and they do have some crazy pictures. i guess we are more tolerant of it because we have teens.
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I guess so. While I don't think teens should just go crazy in those places they do need to be just plain silly sometimes.

    If I were in a store with teens cursing and all I would seek out the manager and let him/her take care of them. Then I would enjoy my shopping experience.

  9. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    On the one hand, I could see how this could get very annoying. If I were in there, especially with my kids, I would not want them around that kind of behavior (kids running and swearing). After all, people don't want to see little kids acting like that in public, why should big kids?

    But on the other hand, it's gotta be getting hard to go out if you're a teen, with everyplace setting curfews. With malls and movie theaters both doing it, where else is there to go at that age? Those were the two things I used to do when I was a teen.
  10. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Who gives a crap if the teen is bored? If they aren't there trying to get a job or if they aren't shopping they shouldn't be there. They should have ran their tails out of the store acting like a bunch of dumbarses. Maybe you guys should be their parents instead of trying to be their friends? Dropping kids off to let someone else deal with their problems should be stopped after daycare. Last time I checked Target didn't have a "Teen Drop Off Zone". Yep I have no kids and I am telling you what to do. Someone needs too.

    Running around acting like a bunch of spazzed out ingrates..........geez.

    P.S. This was for the parents who didn't see anything wrong with it.
  11. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Are they even buying anything more than a stick of gum while they are there? Hopefully they understand that if they are going to get disruptive and rowdy in a store they should at least buy something.
  12. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm confused. It's ok for teenagers to run around acting stupid in a place of business? I'm sorry, but if I was a manager, unless you are in there conducting BUSINESS, then you need to move along. I don't care if they are bored. What right do they have to be in there trying on clothes they have no intention of buying? I don't want them after your kid has been playing with them. :?

    Call me cranky, but for Pete's sake!
  14. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    i agree, the cursing and rude behavior is too much.

    On the other hand, I just left target and wanted to curse out some parents. There was a family in there looking at halloween stuff and they had a small child with them. He was maybe 3 or 4. They were scaring him with the halloween costumes and mask. The poor thing was terrified and screaming at the top of his lungs and the family just continued to do it laughing the whole time. I wanted to take that child and give him a hug.
  15. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    See, mine is 3 and 4 and they are terrified of the halloween area....those tall skeleton statue freaks them out so we avoid that area. At times its hard to even walk in Target (its their fav store) so I can not wait till Halloween is over so we can go back in there with no problem. But I have seen parents trying to scare their kids....poor things will have nightmares and probably won't even go trick or treating....thanks to Mom and dad.
  16. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    As for teenagers....I don't have a problem with them going to Target or Walmart as long as they know how to carry themseleves in public. if not, they do not belong there....stay home and chill out with friends.
  17. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    I have the same problem with taking my family to the theater at White Oak. Mobs of kids hanging around trying to impress each other with what they think is mature behavior, smoking, etc. I don't wonder where their parents are. I see these kids getting dropped off at 6 and parents escaping away to do their thing for 3 or 4 or 5 hours. I doubt that these parents think that the kids do anything but innocently wait for the movie, and then wait patiently outside for pick up. Except that mob mentality seems to rule. And then it gets out of hand.

    Would NOT happen in any store I owned or managed. If one of these kids happens to fall down in the store while goofing around, who gets sued? I wouldn't put up with the risk. You forget, it's not a daycare. It's a place of business.

    Parents, as the man said, if you can't or won't watch them and appropriately supervise them, you have no right to inflict that responsibility on others. If they have nothing to do, you need to lead the effort to find things for them to do.
  18. B&L'SMoM

    B&L'SMoM Guest

  19. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    I agree and i also drop my 2 teens off at white oak on Friday nights .While they did not go last night because of the rain . My kids go see a movie then walk to McDonald's and eat and hang out with there friends until i pick them back up , Both my kids have cells and i call them periodically to check to see what there up to . This is the local hangout for most teens in the area and i don't see that to be any problem UNLESS of course they are like Sherry said , cussing , stealing , vandalizing , or doing things they shouldn't be doing ! My kids as are most that frequent white oak are good kids and are just looking to have fun with usually a big bunch of there friends . I can only really speak for my kids but they know not to bother people and be disrespectful to anyone . So now that i got my 2cents in here im done . Sorry you were bothered by someones teens but rest assure they are only having fun and i doubt very much trying to be a pain in anyone's butt , let alone trying to be as you the first poster said jackass's !! Oh and just because we drop our kids off there does not by any means make us bad parents . For those of you who think so ..To bad ! You must not have teenagers .

    Carry on :lol:
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    You know, some of you might have kids that are perfectly well behaved. And some of you obviously DON'T or this thread wouldn't have been started. Anyone who thinks their teen is an angel all the time when their parents aren't watching is living in a dream world. I don't want to have to negotiate a bunch of smart mouthed, beligerant teenagers "having fun" when I am trying to accomplish an errand, etc. I mean, exacty what is the point of dropping them off unsupervised at a shopping area? I am obviously just not "getting it." Doesn't seem terribly safe to me for a variety of reasons. Call me overprotective, but DS will not be allowed to roam freely around White Oak as "entertainment." :?

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