Please Read This Before Making the Decision to Adopt a Pet. The Ten Pet Commandments 1. My life is likely to last 10 or more years. Any separation from you will be painful to me. Remember that before you take me home. 2. Give me time to understand what you want of me. 3. Place your trust in me. It's crucial to my well being. 4. Don't be angry with me for long. Don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you. 5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when it's speaking to me. 6. Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget it. 7. Remember before you hit me that I have a jaw that could easily crush the bones in your hand, but I choose not to bite you. 8. Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food or I've been in my cage too long. 9. Take care of me when I get old; you will get old too. 10. Go with me on the last journey. Never say "I can't bear to watch it" or "Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember that I love you. Author Unknown
I have spent the last two hours talking to this stupid parvo dog begging him not to die..... Now I am really crying!
Oh girl, i am so sorry, i lost a pup to parvo a few years back and it is so heartbreaking what they go through {{{{{{ljk}}}}}}
Oh my...that touched my heart! My little guy has had swollen lymph nodes for a few days. We noticed it Monday night and he was at the Vet Tuesday. His tonsils are swollen and his throat is red...he's coughing a bit. Appetite is normal...he just seems a bit tired. Doc is treating him for a bacterial infection and told us if they had not gone down some by Friday to bring him back for a test. They are going to have to stick a needle in and take a sample of the cells to test. There is a small chance that it is something more serious. He had BAD allergies and takes 2 prescription allergy meds twice a day, so the doc said that could be an issue here as well...the changing of seasons bringing about allergy issues. Nevertheless, I am worried sick about my little man. Keep my "Elvis" in your prayers. Thanks!
That was beautiful, thank you for sharing it with us. Shelby will be 16 on July 2nd! She's still on Essiac and she gets her vitamins everyday. She seems to be doing GREAT! She won't leave my Miller Lite alone! :lol:
wow! gotta love that there are two 16 year old pups represented here! is miller lite the secret to doggie longevity??? best wishes ljk and parvo pup.
They started him on two more injections for nausea. (So I have to be up 1/2 the night to keep him on schedule, but that is ok) Today vomiting is better, but he is drooling so bad he is soaked, and he is leaking out of the other end too!! Poor baby, is just nasty. I called the shelter vet and she said it all sounds ok, as long as the vomiting has stopped. Doesnt look ok to me, but I just do what I am told.
I don't know but I've always given her just a little bit. Last year when we found out about her tumor, Dr. Basden said "whatever you have been doing, keep doing it"! So, Miller Lites for Me and Shelby! :mrgreen: