Thank you 1 MORE Pitbull

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JSatterfield, Jul 18, 2007.

  1. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    Looks like they had a great turnout.
    Thank you for posting the meeting, it was very intense.
    The stories that were told were sick, and these stories were told by people who worked it, experts, etc. People came from all over the

    Animal lovers protest euthanasia rules
    July 18, 2007

    By Eba Hamid, Staff Writer
    News and Observer

    RALEIGH - Animal activists said at a public hearing today that proposed euthanasia standards fall short of ensuring a humane death for the thousands of dogs and cats killed in North Carolina animal shelters every year.

    About 100 people attended an N.C. Board of Agriculture hearing this morning on proposed statewide regulations for euthanizing dogs and cats.

    The rules would set standards for the training and certification of workers in public and private shelters, pet shops and kennels in North Carolina who euthanize companion animals.

    Many who spoke at today's hearing lauded state officials for considering the policy, which would be the first uniform standards for the state.

    But a majority of speakers pressed the board to ban the use of gas chambers, which they called inhumane. These animal activists said lethal injection should be the only acceptable method of euthanasia.

    The proposed regulations permit both methods.

    Some animal control officers said that shelters should have a choice between the two.
    "There is no one best method for euthanasia," said Clai Martin, animal control supervisor for Rowan County.

    Martin said that a lack of training in either method could lead to inhumane treatment of animals.

    About 250,000 animals are euthanized in North Carolina each year.

    Staff writer Eba Hamid can be reached at 919-812-0822 or
  2. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    Watch the video.

    State Considers New Rules For Animal Euthanasia

    Wednesday, Jul 18, 2007 - 06:56 PM Updated: 08:28 PM


    People speak out at a public hearing on new rules that focus on euthanasia of animals and training for shelter employees. Photo By: NBC17

    By NBC17
    E-mail | Biography
    RALEIGH, N.C. -- Every year nearly 20,000 shelter animals are euthanized in the Triangle, and now the North Carolina Board of Agriculture is considering setting state wide standards.

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    The proposed new rules would allow use of lethal injection and carbon monoxide as options for animal shelters that practice euthanasia.

    Many animal rights activists feel strongly that the use of carbon monoxide chambers is cruel, and that lethal injection is a more humane method.

    Wednesday was a public hearing on the proposed rules veterinarians from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services spent more than a year developing.

    Outside the meeting at the State Fairgrounds, animal rights supporters displayed paper chains meant to symbolize animals euthanized in carbon monoxide gas chambers.

    "It's hard to see, to visualize what happens to animals in a gas chamber," says Jennifer McCollum, a regular volunteer with the SPCA in Greensboro. "It's hard enough for a pet owner to euthanize a pet at the vet in a humane way."

    Inside the meeting, many others took a turn at the podium to speak out against gassing.

    "No matter how many restrictions we place on gas chambers, there's no way to make this a humane death for animals," says Michelle King of the North Carolina Coalition for Humane Euthanasia. "Or to guarantee the safety of staff who operate these machines."

    Dr. Lee Hunter, Director of Animal Welfare for the NCDA, says gassing can be done humanely under the new proposed guidelines he described at the public meeting. Some of the guidelines focus on the conditions under which animals can be euthanized, training for operators, and regulations of the kinds of gas chambers that can be use.

    Hunter says many chambers need to be updated.

    "There are a number of these places that have chambers that were made in the 70s, the gaskets are long gone, the cement blocks may be cracking."

    He says he does think many counties will move away from gassing in the next few years, but that the method can't be eliminated right now.

    He says, "The infrastructure is just not there to provide euthanasia by injection in every county. Not every county has a veterinarian. Not every shelter has the capability of ordering schedule 2, schedule 3 narcotics."

    The Department of Agriculture will accept written comments on the proposed rules through August 31st. The board is to vote on the regulations in September.
  3. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    Did you go too? I hate I didn't know so we could have met. I stayed at the back by the sign up table. I got there and all the seats were gone so I had to stand. I also took some chain links. There were a lot that were make it was nice. Yes the stories were sick. Some make the comment on here that the animals did not cry out and said they died quick and pain free. Well the stories told yesterday even by the vet told different!
  4. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    And yet, the end result is still the same. Can you tell me how the food you eat (chickens, cows, pigs) is put down?
  5. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    **The Board of Agriculture will not vote on the rules until after the public comment period ends on Aug. 31. If adopted, the rules could take effect as early as Nov. 1.

    **How can I comment on the proposal?

    The department is accepting written comments through Aug. 31. Send comments to David McLeod, N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 1001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1001 or by e-mail to
  6. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the link, I just emailed David and let him know I'm opposed to wasting more taxpayers money.

    Care to answer my question?
  7. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

  8. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    they are getting 'killed' because they REPRODUCE more than people want them....and the people that do want them don't get them spayed and neutered they just want to fuss about them getting 'killed'. :roll:
  9. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Sorry, but a question in response to a question is not an answer.

    I will answer your question, though, unlike you are very prone to do.

    Personally I've tried both but I find cats a bit stringy. Can't say as I really care for either over cow or even horse.

    Now, I'm not going to re-ask the question that you ignored in your previous thread which, apparently, was deleted. I figure this one will be deleted soon as well. In any event, I doubt if you'd answer, since you obviously think you're too good to respond.
  10. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    Yes, I was there.
    I was in the front row. (I got there early, very early)
    When the VET's told the story on how vile the gas chamber was, it was so sad.
    What about the AC officers that actually gassed cats and talked about how horrible it was. (And they don't just fall asleep, and takes A LONG Time)
    It just goes to show you, that you can't base a whole subject on "one" person's view on this.

    But hey, she can have her own opinion, that what makes America, America.
  11. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member


    Just ignore the haters.
    They live for controversy and fighting.
    Ignoring them will drive them crazy.

    As much as you want to respond to any "haters" just ignore.
  12. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    It's a simple question. Would you care to answer it JS?
  13. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    Grow up Space Cowboy! I have nothing more to say to you people who think they are so smart when it comes to something they did not even take part in yesterday. So go head with anything you want to say about me cause you are just making ME the center of YOUR world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And with that said NO I'm not going to answer you dumb questions!
  14. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    I don't think I'm to good to respond, I'm just NOT going to sink down to yours or anyone else's LOW level!
  15. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I didn't think so.

    Well, have fun torturing the animals.
  16. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    You're telling me to grow up? :roll:

    Just think about these poor, poor animals tonight when you have your fried chicken or pork chops. Bunch of hypocrites you are.
  17. JSatterfield

    JSatterfield Active Member

    Good Job!
  18. Clif

    Clif Guest

    You know, they have medical names for people who talk to themselves.
  19. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Perfect answer:-D
  20. TheAntHillMob

    TheAntHillMob Active Member

    Just now reading this.

    Kaci, what a bitter person you must be.

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