Thank you!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robo321, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. robo321

    robo321 Well-Known Member

    I personally want to thank those who exude such a non carring pathetic driving skill which puts a lot of people at risk of accidents the way you drive. Your "ME" thing seems to really help out with your lack of consideration for safety for others... including yourself! Keep up the good work people....
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Oooh! A thank-you thread!!!

    I want to thank the parents who sat their lazy, cushy, butts in their cars in the parking lot of the apartments by the soccer field. You know the apartments that have the sign out that says "Parking for residents only. No soccer parking". Sure, it was chilly with a light rain. Sure, the coaches/board have expressed to ALL parents the importance of respecting the wishes of the apartment so that we may continue to play soccer/baseball on LEASED land. Nice lesson to teach your kids, too. And mine.

    THANKS losers!!!
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    My Turn!!

    Thank you to all the parents at Riverwood Elementary who think the "NO LEFT TURN" signs into the school are meant for everyone BUT them. What makes you special???? What a great lesson to teach your kids...........the rules are meant for OTHER people. :roll:
  4. robo321

    robo321 Well-Known Member

    Thank you to the jerks who are turning right off the 312 exit and dart across all lanes so that they can turn left at Citco so that they can drive 50mph down that side road to try and beat all the traffic that goes up to the light. Hey stupids, when you finally turn on to Cleveland School Rd do you realize that you still have cars in front of you? I love those idiots that drive fast to beat everyone only to get behind another car.... What are they thinking????

    Oh yeah, one more thank you if I may? To the moron in the Jeep turning left at the CVS who decided to get in the center turn lane while I was on my bike trying to turn to go to Food Lion. Thank you so much for making me think that you were going to run my butt over!!!!
  5. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Do you mean the CVS and FL on 210?
  6. Squire

    Squire Guest

    i would like to thank the twenty thousand other drivers on hwy 40 that must slow down to see the guy on the side of the road changing his tire.

    i love the fact that it takes an hour and 15mins to drive 31miles.
  7. robo321

    robo321 Well-Known Member

    No! The CVS on 42.
  8. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Ah ok! NOW that makes much more sense. I thought you were talking about on 210 and I was thinking, this person is nuts, the FL and CVS aren't that close to each other that there would be a problem. :wink:
  9. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Since we are thanking people for their driving skills, I would like to give an honorable mention to that idiot that doesn't pay attention to the speed limit signs, therefore not knowing the speed limit dropped from 55 to 45, making them feel the need to ride on my tail the rest of the way home because apparently they thought I was going too slow when in fact I was doing the speed limit.
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah! I wanted to thank the lady who tailgated me through my subdivision the other day. But I already thanked her in my own way... :twisted: <Brake Tap>

    And then she threw up her hands, whipped out her camera phone, and took a pic of my license plate. WTH is she going to do with this? Does she keep a photo album of people whose a$$es she rides?
  11. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    OOhhh . . . my turn . . . I want to thank the heartless jerk who is causing us to have to move on very short notice because HE thought it wasn't important to send our payment in to the mortgage company . . . for FOUR months!!! He sure didn't have a problem taking my money and telling me that he was making the payments (owner financing deal). Jerk! Hope he saved some money to spend on dental work once my husband finds him :lol:

    But, on a happy note . . . we found an awesome place in a nice subdivision that we love and we'll be moving very soon. Things always have a way of working out.
  12. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    Thank you to the amateur race car drivers who don't slow down as they travel around curves. I am so tired of driving off the road on the right to avoid a collision with you because you have crossed the center line!

    Thank you as well to those who travel on Cleveland Road and don't realize that it is 55 from Grill Road (Polenta Elem.) all the way to Hwy 210! (That's why the sign at Grill Road says REDUCE SPEED AHEAD and the next sign says 45 SPEED LIMIT! IT GOES DOWN FROM 55!
  13. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Alright, my turn...

    To you mindless people who feel the need for speed, guess what? so do I for the most part, BUT I don't tailgate. If I see a driver going slower, I actually stop and wonder if maybe they saw something that I didn't. In otherwords...if your butt is behind me in the dark on Galilee Road and I'm doing the exact speed limit in good weather and a bit slower in rain or fog, lay off my tail! Twice in the last month I've narrowly missed hitting a deer on that stretch. Getting so close that I can't see your headlights will not push me to go faster - that I can promise.
  14. southerngal39

    southerngal39 Well-Known Member

    I'm with you Cleo on the Brake Tap thing. Thats my way too. As they say you want to ride it then you can buy it!! LOL
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I've done the same thing! :oops:

    If I can't see your headlights in my rearview mirror in a MINIVAN for crying out loud, you are way too close!!
  16. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Thanks a whole heck of a lot to the guys driving the huge Ford landscaping truck with the nice long trailer on the back. Of all the 6 islands that you could have parked at to get gas this morning, you just had to park your long caravan of wheels at the pump island closest to the few parking spots available at the convenience store. In fact, your timing was so good that you did so while I was in the store, thus when I came out and got in my car to leave, I couldn't back out of the parking space because your fat A** caravan was 5 feet from the rear of my car. I really enjoyed getting to sit there and watch you pump gallon after gallon of gas into your vehicle, while you all gathered around the vehicle laughing and eating hot dogs for breakfast.

    By the might want to get your hearing checked, because I blew my horn at you several times to let you know you needed to stop pumping gas and back your behemoth vehicle out of the way. You conveniently kept chomping on your hot dogs and ignored it. Either that, or you need to learn that here in America, HOOONNNKKKK is English for "Hey Dumba**...move your vehicle, you inconsiderate idiot."
  17. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    Ooooh I got one...2 actually!

    I want to thank the lady who at the last minute (hwy 42) realized she was in the turning lane at Cleveland School Rd and decided that she needed my spot on the road a little more than I did, thus throwing her vehicle in my lane, making me almost hit another car, slam on brakes and have several more vehicles nearly hit me! She had a bumper sticker that said "I'd love to be your realtor" I"D LOVE TO BE YOUR DRIVING INSTRUCTOR!!!!

    Second, thanks to the stupid terrorist for making me feel uncomfortable in my own country. Hence why I am up at 4 am getting ready for a flight with my daughter for the first time and I am freaking out~!! And the fact that I have to leave 2 hours early just so I can make it through all the check points!

    Thank you for the Thank you thread!
  18. robo321

    robo321 Well-Known Member

    And a very special thank you to those who feel compelled to disallow someone from changing lanes to their lane by speeding up and cutting them off. People, someone who signals to change lanes shouldn’t be considered a threat. People like you are very stupid!
  19. SSM258

    SSM258 Well-Known Member

    I love this.

    I would like to thank everyone who ignores the Traffic signs during a work zone to move over and speed all the way up to the front only to be forced to move over.

    More than that I would like to thank the people who let these "I can wait like the rest of you" over. Let them wait an hour or two and they "may" learn that they put their pants on the same way we do. I did not straddle two lines to avoid them getting by me, risk them rear ending my back side and explaining to my 7 year old that the finger and horn s a sign of their ignorance for you to let them in front of you.

    They should wait like the rest of society. Loose the "God" compex and join the rest of us who have been sitting in traffic for 30 minutes. I guess I have seen it too much and feel that if I missed 30 minutes of my life then who are they to ignore the rules and get 30 minutes of their life that they got by avoiding sitting in traffic.
  20. Twitch

    Twitch Well-Known Member

    I would like to thank my neighbor who lets there dogs pee all over my shrubs every morning.

    The school buses that ride half a mile with there stop sign on the side of there bus out, in which facts means some stupid a$$ is riding with there door open with our kids on it.

    The red mustang that cut me off yesterday turning into the high school (holy crap I think it was the Prinicipal that I flipped off)

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