KFC/TB at 210 last night. MamaApe and everyone else, it was nice seeing you folks last night. Thanks for supporting our spirit night at KFC/Taco Bell. We were even joined by Mr. West, whose home burned a couple of weeks ago, but who is in the process of getting it back together. He was heading to his niece's home for the night, but I recognized him and moved some giggling girls (My DD was one of them) from a table so he could sit down. He hadn't expected that size turnout and did have to wait a while for his food. Gave my DD and C6 and chance to speak to him and again offer what ever we could. I stopped and gave the dogs some rubbing and scratching...and left more food. He said he got it and they dogs really had a feast. Again, thanks for supporting the Pumas of Polenta Elementary School!