The 70 Bypass is a nightmare...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by colinmama, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Please tell me it's not just me who thinks that this thing has been of no help whatsoever. Ever since the day that it has opened it has slowed traffic on 40 so much that I have avoided it and taken a new route home in the afternoon. Last night it was bumper to bumper at almost 6:30!?!?! And there was no accident!! It's just a shame because for me it's turned into more trouble than it's worth and perhaps it's because I never need to use the bypass, but it infuriates me that what was a 20-25 min. commute has become much slower going the back ways into Raleigh. Anyway, rant over. Some may not agree, but this has been my experience and it totally stinks.
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I love it!

    Cut my drive (mileage and time) to Raleigh and allows me to avoid that mess known as 4042.

    Of course I rarely use it during rush hour.
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    DH hates it! Complete waste of money.
  4. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    What's really dangerous about the bypass are the fools who jump into that far right lane that pops up for entering or exiting the bypass - then, the lane ends and they have to move back.

    There needs to be a sign that it is an entrance/exit lane only

    9 times out of 10 when I drive I40 I see this happen and this is what causes a bunch of traffic and any accidents. People drive like idiots!
  5. ponychick

    ponychick Well-Known Member

    I think it serves it's purpose well, avoiding 70 business, and cutting down on traffic in that area. Yes, it has caused a great deal of delays, and something should definitely be done to fix it. Maybe extend the lanes a little so people have more time to get over?

    I know the bypass itself runs through some beautiful land (it runs right next to my riding instructor's farm). I love driving home from Smithfield that way. No traffic at all. And once you figure out the goofy turning lanes on 42, it's no problem.
  6. bystander

    bystander Well-Known Member

    The opening of the bypass has certainly caused significant delays in the "thru traffic". I used to get on I40 at 42 and travel to 540. I've had to change my route because of the delays where the new bypass comes in. Even when there was not much incoming traffic, it seemed like everything just slowed down - in both the right and left lanes. I could not figure it out at all. It would have been nice if the merge lane had been extended and we could have had 3 lanes all the way to 70. I guess that is why the traffic coming on at 70 doesn't cause such delays as the 3rd lane continues. Every now and again I will try my old route ( preferred route ) just to see if it is better now that the "kinks" should have worked out but I have not found it to be so. My new route is longer but at least I'm moving and not having to jam on brakes on I40 !
  7. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    Please share your secret///What other way do you use to get to I-540? I work off of I-540 and Davis and I hate that it takes me so long to get from 42to 70 because of the bypass.
  8. Cyndi

    Cyndi Guest

    My hubby loves it. He is working in Goldsboro lately and says he can hop right on and not worry about traffic lights. He hasn't mentioned anything negative about it and seems to love it!
  9. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    I use it when going to Raleigh from Smithfield and it's wonderful! Being able to bypass Clayton and all the stop lights cuts out 10 minutes or so of that drive. Hardly ever see any traffic when I'm on it. :)
  10. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    We use it to go to Smithfield and to Raleigh and love it!
  11. I just wish they had made it three lanes both ways to exit 306 and to exit 312.

    other then that I like it. saves time having to drive business 70
  12. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    From what I've noticed, the problem isnt the bypass, its the drivers. I really just wish everyone knew how to drive properly. I swear I am gonna get me one of these.....

    for when I am in the lefthand lane and some knucklehead is going the same speed or slower that the car in the right lane.
  13. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    I get on Cornwallis at Cleveland School Rd, take it to Raynor road. Cut through the industrial park to Greenfield Drive, and then hop on I-40. It bypasses the whole 4042 and 70 mess, and takes 5 minutes longer than if I-40 was completely clear from 42 to 70. So, if the delays on I-40 are greater than 5 minutes the Cornwallis route is faster.
  14. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    This is the way I'll have to go as well. We'll call it the 40 bypass :hurray:

    Just curious, which way do you come home?
  15. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Don't be telling our little secrets. I've always used this way and never did deal with the 40/42 nightmare. Of course, I live on Cornwallis and it's still 3 miles closer for me to go this way then the new bypass.
  16. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    It depends. I stay in the right hand lane on I-40 going towards 70. If it looks like 40 is going to be really backed up I'll hop off at 70 and take it down to Raynor Rd. Pretty much the reverse of my way to work except I skip the industrial park. If 40 looks like it's moving okay then I'll just stay on 40 and take it to 4042.
  17. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    :lol: Sorry, I guess I just ruined it for us that had already figured it out on our own.
  18. I'll be glad if DOT ever finds the money to make an exit ramp at Cornwallis at I-40. It would save me from having to ever get off at exit 312 or 319
  19. bchcrsr

    bchcrsr Well-Known Member

    The 70 by-pass is a nightmare

    I love it. Going from Smfd to Raleigh, I can make it from getting on in Clayton to my destination in 20 -25 minutes. I used to spend that much sitting at stop lights in Clayton. I hate going thru Clayton. I think the main problen with any roadway is the drivers. 3/4 of them are idiots and drive as if they got their license from the Target.
  20. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    :iagree: LOL @ Target!

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