What's the best gift you ever got? What's the worst gift you ever got? Me: Best - a V-rroom bike This was the one toy I wanted more than anything and I got it. Worst - Between the ages of five and ten years old, my sister-in-law invariably gave me a tea set for Christmas. Then, between the ages of eleven and fifteen she gave a joint present to me and my sister (who is two years younger). Usually it was a toddler game like "Candyland" (but not even the official "Candyland", but a generic version).
Best - I have had so many... but I guess the ultimate was the year I found out I was pregnant for the first time right at christmas. Before that one it was the year I got engaged right before Christmas. I was on cloud nine for months. And before that one I would have to say the year me and my brother go our first car, to share obviously. But hey we had a CAR! And before that the year I got my first Panda bear ring. That was the first time I had actually gotten the "in thing" when the "in thing" was still IN. :lol: I could go on... but I won't Worst - I can't really think of a worst Christmas... :?
Best - was probably early 70's and I got a Tonka truck with camper on the truck, that pulled a boat. Still in use today by the 5 years old. Made in USA approx 30 + years old and going strong. about like this, but red and I think this one is from the 60's so a iltte older worst - anything that did not make it intact to Jan 1
Best..hands down...finding my true love, and her accepting my proposal..27 years after we broke up.. Worst...the year I lost my Mom. I have a difficult time at this time of year, and try to compensate for it by supporting those who have less. It's what she would have wanted.